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sábado, 29 de outubro de 2022

Pessoas que não me procuram de novo

Toda semana temos contatos de pessoas para suas situações pessoais. 

Assim, é algo formal e vou passar meu link para uma Consulta Formal. É o mínimo que se espera da pessoa. 

Muitas pessoas me enviam mensagens diariamente, algumas serão minhas clientes e recebem consultas minhas sempre abrangentes. 

Mas tantas dessas vão sumir depois. 

E é normal. 

Assim, algumas situações.

Alguns casos positivos: 

O problema foi resolvido ou teve explicação necessária. Caso normal. A pessoa some e nem comenta mais nada. 

Repito, caso resolvido e a pessoa some. Não aparece nem para agradecer ou citar como ficou. São a maioria e é o mesmo comentário feitos pelos demais colegas. 

Mas temos casos negativos também:

  • Aparece de novo depois de longo tempo, ter aplicado um calote mas novamente pedindo pelo meu "profissionalismo" mas nem cogita em pagar o que ficou devendo.  
  • A pessoa recebe uma ajuda ou orientação de graça e meses depois aparece cobrando até de maneira bem grosseira porque o que "eu mandei fazer" não deu certo. Uhm? Como é? Pede dica de graça e depois quer exigir resultados garantidos? E para começar, nada mandamos fazer, apenas respondemos alguma questão tentando ajudar. Infelizmente caso comum e por isso eu e tantos colegas recusamos dar orientações em privado de graça. 
  • A magia funcionou e a pessoa aparece de novo sem sequer comentar nada, nem agradecer mas já está reclamando de outra coisa. 
  • A pessoa some depois de uma resposta bem direta. Inclui ficar ofendida e até o famoso mi-mi-mi.
  • A pessoa some porque não quer pagar nada para arrumar sua vida. 
  • A pessoa diz que fui grosseiro na consulta por falar o que precisa ouvir. E as vezes precisamos ser bem diretos. Não minto para agradar cliente. 
  • A pessoa teve os resultados na magia feita e até esquece quem ajudou porém desdenha da ajuda (se mostra mau agradecida). 
  • A pessoa foi procurar outro colega e muito tempo depois pede para ajudar de novo porque só piorou mas não fez nada do que eu indiquei. 
  • Caso parecido, a pessoa achou caro meu serviço, e pediu para outro fazer o que sugeri. Porém a outra pessoa não tem a mesma experiência e quer exigir de mim o resultado. 
  • A pessoa continuou num caminho de problemas e se enterrou sozinha. 

Tenho certamente muitos casos ao longo da vida. 

Citando alguns: 

A mulher que eu falei explicitamente que estaria destruindo sua vida se continuasse com o vagabundo drogado que estava apaixonada.  

O sujeito que estava enterrando sua empresa por achar que podia gastar antes de ter resultados financeiros na empresa.  

A mulher que escolheu fazer trabalhos para sites de sexo, mas pensava que seria chamada de "modelo" e precisei alertar que muitos tratariam de outra maneira mais crua.  

A pessoa em briga com muitas terreiras por quase 20 anos achar "pouco" receber quae 50 páginas de texto explicando o que nunca ninguém explicou sobre a área. E achar caro.

A pessoa que queria vingança contra colegas e alertei que iria perder uma ótima promoção. Procurou outro, teve sua vingança mas perdeu a promoção tendo que assumir o serviço dos colegas que mandou embora. 


São alguns casos. 
Então, desculpem mas não sou malvado,. Meu trabalho é procurar ajudar as pessoas e as vezes vamos negar serviços quando percebo que vão piorar a vida da pessoa. 

Entendam, eu não faço qualquer coisa. Tenho ética.

Fico feliz por uma imensa maioria que sei que estão bem, apenas nem se preocupam em aparecer de novo, mas até muitos anos depois voltam agradecendo e finalmente confirmando que pude ajudar suas vidas. Tenho relatos na página de Testemunhos que são de pessoas que comentaram mais de vinte anos depois ou me procuraram pois seus pais e até avós conheceram meu trabalho desde os anos 90.  

quinta-feira, 30 de março de 2017

Seja verdadeiro - Be True

Fun Time In Our Secret Neverland
Art by Perry Gunawan - Indonesia

Seja verdadeiro.

Ensinamentos de uma vida.

Sempre fale a verdade.
Seja verdadeiro, mesmo que leve décadas para alguém ouvir.
Se isso for real, é a sua verdade.
Não importa o que aconteça, diga a verdade.
Uma mentira precisa de uma base fraca e covarde.
A verdade só precisa de uma vez.
A mentira precisa ser recriada e alimentada diariamente.
Mentira precisa das bases fracas de onde se alimentar
Mentiras precisam se alimentar o tempo todo, mas um dia a verdade será revelada.
Portanto, persevere quando você trabalha pela verdade.
Se o que você faz e diz é verdade, nunca será diferente e será revelado.
Seja verdadeiro consigo mesmo e seja sempre verdadeiro ao longo de sua caminhada.
Só então você colherá o maior de todos os prêmios: o de ter uma vida verdadeira.


(English below)

Be True
Teachings of a life.
Always tell the truth.
Be true, even if it takes decades for someone to listen.
If that is real, it’s your truth.
No matter what's happens tell the truth.
A lie needs a coward weak foundation.
The truth only needs one time.
The lie needs to be recreated and feed daily.
Lie need the weak foundations were to feed on
Lie needs feed all the time but one day the truth will be revealed.
So persevere when you work for the truth.
If what you do and say is true, it will never be different and will be revealed.
Be true to yourself and always be true throughout your walk.
Only then will he reap the greatest of all prizes: that of having true life.



Leia também: 
Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

Changes in the Tarot Readings

Changes in the Tarot Readings

(Portugues: Use o botão Translate no lado esquerdo da tela)

(Edited due other changes.)

Seat and let's me talk for you.

Once I read something like this:
When you are in front of a Master just ask:
- What to do.
Nothing else is necessary.

With time and personal experiences, I observed more and more I just talk what I see.

As I talk what I see also I observed people and their needs and the ways I can work with that.

Not all people are at spiritual paths. Most are just at normal lifes, have a company, or deal with their homework, or are at the school, whatever.

I'm not here to say you must follow a spiritual path.
But I'm sure anything you do, at some time will be your own path and this is a kind of being spiritual too.
Whatever happens, someday any people will find a main energy ruling life. 

So I did some changes in the Tarot readings I do.

As I work for guidance, at any reading I'm looking first who you are, your path and what to do about.

Then I will look for your questions and others life's areas.

But not all people are after all that information about self-knowledge areas in the same way many just want a guidance for their life or companies.

With time, I have commented more and more, so this make difficult to work with, as not all people are after all that material.

For example, when I comment about numerology, I will make more than a map of your life, but add a lot of information about many areas with suggestions and examples for each case and all that inside a Tarot reading.

And the Tarot part, may goes further a lot about questions and aspects related I'm exploring.

The result is too much work so I need to make some adapt to do it better.

Choose what you need

My readings are never limited to how many cards I will be using, as I do a kind of talk with the angels and spirits called to the reading work. 

The Standard Tarot/Oracle reading.  
I comment the oracle parts, so it's more objective and focused on the practical aspects. 
I will be discussing your questions in many spreads as I found needed to get information and present the best sugestions I can.

The  Tarot/Oracle reading commenting Numerology aspects. 
This is also a self-knowledge reading. 
I will first comment your birthday numerology aspects, who you are and how that works as a map to your life. This is a personal study and I strongly suggest you to print it and save for future study. The material I write here are related to all your life and may be re-read and studied in the future years many times. 
And this material I will use if you do another later readings as I will be commenting about from the previous material you received.
The second part is the Tarot readings, plus I will be pointing what aspects of your personal numbers are acting there and why. 
It's become a long size work and unique to each case. 

Wish this for now help people to find better options.



Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Readings and Magic Works - English text


quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2016

Do Thick Salt Bath or Herbal Bath Over Your Head? Banho de Sal Grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça

Photo: Gina Blank - Canada

 Versão em Português aqui (PDF): Fazer Banhos de Sal-grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça?

Do Thick Salt Bath or Herbal Bath Over Your Head?
How to make a big mess just because a bath or an incomplete cleanup.

Portuguese resume: "Banho de Sal Grosso ou ervas pode e deve ser feito incluindo a cabeça. A estória sobre fazer só do pescoço para baixo é só repetição de algo que é para sacerdotes formalmente iniciados em religião africana. Se você não é de alguma religião destas (ou apenas frequenta mas não tem assentamentos de Orishas/Lwas), faça seu banho tranquilo. E depois faça um banho com ervas para fortalecimento das areas desejadas".

Versão em Português disponível neste link (clique): 

Fazer Banhos de Sal-grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça?


Spiritual baths are used in almost all traditions.

To start I took as an example the very popular Thick Salt Bath.
Most of this applies to other baths types too.

Such baths have in basic one or more of these purposes, I just made a simple resume, not complete but that gives an idea:

Cleaning baths:
  • Remove negative energy.
  • Banish some negative spirits and/or astral larvae.
  • Cleanup part of the negative influences due to curses/magical attacks.
  • Neutralize some aspects due to diseases.
Protective Baths:
  • To empower your body and soul. 
  • Keep away energies and spirits.  
  • To make strong your barriers.
Empowering baths:
  • Attract positive energy (love, health, wisdom, wealth, etc).
  • Add the needed energy aspects. For example, some baths are good for mediumship or dreams.
  • Add protection power to body and soul.
  • Add specific powers like planetary aspects due to proper correspondences.
  • Become in tune with some desired energies.
  • Healing.
  • Protection.

There are some similar results while washing your house/office with herbs or smoking with herbs for cleanup or attract desired energies.

For sure I won’t discuss doing cleanups at large buildings, offices, or land areas like farms. There are many other practices proper to such places, that need more power. But even so, the basics are related, so you will have an idea about what is to be done.

What is the Thick Salt Bath? 

What is the Thick Salt Bath? It’s just a cleanup, most for electronic type energy and low-level spiritual energies including astral larvae. Start with the idea of the purifying aspects of the salt, plus the simple electronic results it has over any energy.

A salt bath is just a cleanup, not selective, to remove any energy, bad or good.

Such a bath is very popular just because it’s used when people feel they are at bad times and need a cleanup of the bad aspects of life.

Many people use to do a sea bath at the New Year celebrations as cleaning too.

You must get this: a Thick Salt Bath is not a banishing against strong spirits. Such cases need more to be done.

Many of such baths may have a prayer part, most used by formal magicians and people who work in spiritual areas.

On another side, the common, “normal” person just is after a bath to clean up the bad and they just think about to attract the good energies into their lives.

But the salt only removes and clean, so you need to do a second bath later to attract the good energies.

A classic example used by many ceremonial magick practitioners is the Solomonic Bath, that uses consecrated water and salt, a lot of prayers, and sometimes some herbs:
“…Enter the bath once again, recite Psalms 104 and 81 and pour the water over your head several times....”
 from: The Solomonic Bath – Aaron Leith

If you do not have a bathtub, you can use a bucket. 
Yes, this is water with an ice bath, and is a good spiritual bath too!

The problem

Too often I see people cite about doing cleanup baths and add a “warning” to not pour that over your head.
I fully disagree. Who are they? Do your herb or salt bath without fear from head to toes.

Such baths are part of the many ways for a spiritual cleanup, to remove bad energy, banish spirits, protection, or just to attract good energies into your life.

To be clear: as cited above there are baths to remove energies and the same there are baths to get energies.

And to be very clear: having a bath in a clear fall in the mountains, or in a stream, or a rain bath, including your bathtub or shower, also have spiritual capabilities for cleanup!

Source: Spiritualjapan

Even clear water is a cleanup or empowering bath if properly used. To be clear, do a prayer and consecrate the water.
It’s just a bath to make it simple. But with additional effects.
And many of that work near in the same way as doing smoking with herbs.
To repeat, some will banish energies and some will attract energies.
And for sure there are rituals to do from the basic to even more complete cleanups.

Why some people say to not pour the bath over your head?

Most of them do not know why. They are just repeating like parrots. Someone told, or they read at any magazine, etc.

The most popular source for this idea in the western countries is because of a mixing of practices with some from ATR (African Traditional Religions).

The idea presented is because the head is a kind of “property” of some spirits of those religions, the Orishas, Lwas, or someone else. Some use a different word, but still, the idea is “property”. Some even forbid their members to have a simple bath at the sea! Yes, you can’t swim in the ocean!

If you are not a formally initiated member of such religions that in no way to forbid washing your head apply for you. Dot.
If anyone even cites some "study" about not washing head, be sure until today 100% of times I went after the original sources and confirmer it was some of such religions. Dot.

Some religions say you can’t eat pork. Others say cows are sacred. Others are vegans and etc.

Each area has its practices.

So keep yours, just respect others the same way they have to respect you.

If you are a client at some of those areas for sure be respectful, but they also must respect you too. That is their practice, their faith, not yours. You are not forced to enter into a religion if you are just a client.

You have to go after the information too. Look for more sources.
For sure I respect the good and serious priestess and priestesses. I'm a Babalorixa at Candomble ("father of saint", just a formal priest), so this is my opinion.
I just had too many bad experiences and knew so much bad corrupt ones to learn and think more about what may be or not to be right. And be sure this happened in other areas I work for decades.

Do not act blindly! If you do not receive a very clear and decent clear reply from spiritual mentors, or even become treated due asking, get out fast!

"No true spiritual ally, like a true friend in the land of the living, should treat you as a pet. Either they serve you or you're equals. - Gordon Finn” 
from the Ritual Offerings book.

This is something simple and is part of all I wrote about the risk of mixing practices for the Ritual Offerings book. The part I wrote is related to many other magical areas too. There are many ways to opportunists spirits (and the charlatans) get control and feed from your life. 99% of what I wrote most ATR priestess won’t tell you. That’s my practical experience, I went deep in the darkest corrupt areas, I learned under blood and tears. So please remember there are the good ones who are serious and do good work. I'm just pointing the many traps.

The other problem as told above is the people who just repeat things like parrots about magick and spirituality. They become victims too, just are working blind in the magic/spiritual because they don't know what's really behind that.

Holly Dip. A sadhu swings his head as he takes bath at Sangam in Allahabad.
Photo: Jagran.com - India

What may happens if you do not bath your head too?

To be simple, the bath will be incomplete and allow opportunists spirits to take you.

This is my opinion and experience for decades in many areas.

Just see how the Chakras, the points of energy in your body have a flow from the bottom up the head.
So, if you cut you head out of the bath, for sure the process is incomplete.

The energy flow. Someone sees why I can't accept to do not wash your head?

If you don’t bath your head, that important area becomes open to any intrusive spirits and energies.
One simple idea to compare is doing unsafe sex. Would you trust if someone you just found, want sex at the start without condoms, and even get furious if you question that?
Think about risks. Have safe sex and the same way, have safe religion and spiritual practices.

So if you are not a formally initiated member at such religions, and avoid doing a bath over your head because an idea that appears even a threat from an unknown source, guess what kind of spirit will find it very easy to find an opened door and take that space? Uhm? The bath will clean up the entire body, including any guardian for a time, and that space will be taken by any energies waiting safely in the head!

And more important: if you are not a formal initiated and do not wash your head with the baths because fearsome spirits, be sure that spirits won't be working to protect you. Forget the parrot's talk, all that is incomplete. In any area, the spirits only will start to do some if you start working with them and doing offerings and even worship. In some areas, this is the real purpose of telling you to not wash your head. A trap.

Higher spirits won’t destroy your life because of a bath.

The higher one's spirits mean to be powerful and able to keep some distance while you have needed care. If some of that causes harm to your life because this, be sure you are not in a good area, so is better to get out and move to a safe place.

And see later the comment bellow about a needed second bath after the cleaning with salt or herbs.

I fully keep my position about anyone who is not initiated at some religion. They have not to obey to some spirits that have nothing about their lives. The same if you eat pork, or like meat, is not a vegan, etc.

How baths work to make it simple:

If you do a cleanup (to remove energies), the only precaution is to remember if you have some kind of guardians. Just notify them so they will be apart for some time and return as you finished.

This is the same if you wash or smoke your house with herbs. Any spirit, angels, etc. will take distance. So if you have an altar, for example, be sure the spirits/angels of the altar will also take a safe distance. Just remember to notify your guardians or altar spirits about the cleaning you will do and after some hours, call them back as commented below.

In the drawing, I omitted any guardians just to make it more simple.

At the first, is an example of someone with all kind of bad energies, inside and outside.
The second is what happens if you do not pour the bath over your head. That is simple: any energies at head level, inside and outside can stay there and later, will feed on the fertile area resulting bellow. This is why I used a grass area as an example.
The third is an example of an optimum full bath. In practice, this is what is desired. To have a powerful cleanup and empowerment and get good energy around.

Also, to make it simple, the idea here is doing a clean up bath followed by an empowerment bath as cited next.

After the bath/cleaning remember to fill the place again

Once you had your bath or did a house clean up like smoke, etc., wait some few 3-4 hours so that have the needed effect and follow that with another bath or smoke with herbs to attract good energies.
Prayers are good too.

Get this? If it was a cleaning bath, just wait some 3-4 hours and do another bath, first just clean water to remove the salt and then bath with other herbs to attract the desired good energies.

As the cleaning salt/herbs bath can remove anything, so after you need to fill again the space with good energies.
And if you have guardians, altar spirits, etc., just light a candle, do a proper prayer, and offer incense or smoke the place with positive herbs calling them to come back to the place you pointed to them at your house and life.

Note: sometimes after the first bath, when the person is too heavy due to bad energies, the body will relax and need to sleep to rest. If this happens, is very Ok so have the needed sleep and then do the following bath.

This is the same basic idea for a general building cleaning. For sure these are other procedures and even stronger rituals to be done by a magician/priest. First, banish the undesired spirits, then make a powering rite and invite the protection spirits to care for the place.
About buildings and land areas, for sure there are some extreme cases, where exorcism is needed and some of that can be really hard to deal with.  To be sincere, some places are near impossible to clean up again because is needed to negotiate with the spirits and what they ask may cost a lot, not just money for sure. So only mother nature will do that working for a thousand years.

What herbs use later for an empowering bath?

That varies a lot.

Since the generic ones to specific areas, we have a lot of herbs to use and the choice sometimes is related to what area the person needs more.

Some very easy herbs to find:
  • Rose petals. For Spiritual and Love power.
  • Bay Laurel. For the protection and good to connect with higher levels of spirituality like spiritual mentors.Is good for money too.
  • Cinnamon. The body force, prosperity, money. 
  • Lavender. Peace and calm.
  • Rosemary. Mind focus. 
  • Hyssop. Cleanup physical and spiritual, remove negative energy, and is also good for protection. See Psalm 51. You can use Mint in the same way.

You will find many herbs references. The important for the second bath is to look for herbs to attract energies, not the cleansing ones. Remember, the idea is to add desired energies.

And repeating always is good to do a prayer according to your faith for your spiritual mentors bless the baths you are doing.

To resume

A spiritual cleanup bath can't be seen as a sin.
There are the cleanups, the protective, and the empowering baths.

If you get all this, I’m sure some of you may start to think about some cases when people had done such baths not pouring the water over your head and times later had the same or even worse effects as before. For example, some spirits asking for offerings to keep out.
It's easy to find people who started doing simple things and later they had to do more and more other works, too often to solve problems they had not before.
The same for buildings/houses cleanups when people do the banishing and don’t add the needed protection rite after the cleaning.

Remember, an empty body or building or land area is a place to be filled.
So have control over your life and do a decent complete cleanup and follow that with a rite/bath to invite the desired good energy/spirits to care for that.

So just do the complete bath and add an empowering one after for a complete result

Get this? Simple, uhm?

So do your bath from head to toes without fear and later just do another one to get good energy.

A big full thanks:

In memory of  "Uncle Neide Vilain", a famous witch from Florianópiolis, SC, Brazil who taught me a lot in so many areas, including about how using the bath salts. And she is responsible for makes me be a writer.

Additional reading suggestions:



Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2016

Love: How To Disconnect Emotionally From Someone

Versão em português disponível para download: 
Clique aqui: 
Amor: Como se Desconectar Emocionalmente de Alguem

Note: This article talks about Love, but most of this material applies when the person got trapped due feelings like passion, lust, friendship and even any personal relationship, etc.

Sometimes as humans, we will fall in love, and that doesn't work.

Other times, we are very connected to friendship, and that doesn't work.
And more than this, sometimes we are in spiritual love with someone who we had faith.

All that are emotional aspects.

And the most know is the Love relationship between two people.

People think love is something like that nice fairy tales, meet one and be happy forever.

But life shows there are more than this and is easy to find millions of fantasy or poetic opinions about it.

Love is the main Universe Power, in practice, this energy is the source of the entire universe we know.

So human beings will find many ways of Love acting.

The Love of parents and their children.
The love between brothers and friends.
The Love of Nature.
The Love of God as you perceive Him.

And the Love two people have as partners, lovers. LOL...

Ok, just to remember most of the time people think Love means only a couple relationship.

So, to make it easy, what I will post now is almost the same in all those areas Ok?

My background about:

Too often we see therapeutics talking like they are something the best of all, the very Oooba-boobaa of the perfection with incredible successful lives. Most of the time we found they are not.
I started too early by my own effort to be conscious I'm not a super-hero, nor a super-scholar, nor a super-fashion-style-guy.
I'm only myself.
I have the same problems any normal people have, like love, sex, money, spirituality, bills to pay, a normal life.

Be sure I have suffered at the most extreme levels due to some ex-girlfriend, or an ex-friend, or someone I had admiration in any area, friends, and also including at spirituality, etc.

To be clear, I know what means to cry with the most strong pain in my body due to someone for a long time while I was trying to discover what to do. And this was more than once and for different reasons as in these areas.

Like any other text about the human life area, I have written for three decades I write about my own experience.
This is what I do. I'm not a scholar, no matter how much I study.
I like to say I'm a practitioner in magic, no matter how many studies I have about, and what I have to talk to people is about my own path and what I learned from others too. I say, just live personal experience.
I'm glad for the nice scholars who have the patience to collect all those materials and make it easier for all the other ones who are serious about learning and doing the needed work. They are priceless. So please, valuate your good authors, they do what few can do.

Love is Wonderful. 

And a couple Love is the main inspiration for most books, music, inventions, whatever.
And to be in Love is just to be near Heaven in life.
Plus all those nice aspects like home, family, support at personal goals, friendship, etc.

But sometimes that does not last forever.

Someday people will learn some relationships that happen just for mutual learning.
I say, many relationships have just a reason to exist.

And the reason is mutual evolution.

But for sure, not all times we get that. Myself included (I'm a human, Ok?)

So may happens love can become a big pain. And I know it.

Some will fight to keep a comfort zone until all that has to be finished.

Love is not a game. Dot.

Be sure to finish can be very easy even for real Love.

Uhm, sorry, to say better, it appears to be easy.
This is what most self-help authors and a lot of fluffy people don't tell you.

I was into that area too, so and I learned a lot at newage in the 80-90s and a lot more from the many spiritual areas I was in these decades. Including the fluffy mystics.

Sorry, I was there, I did that too! LOL...

It's not cheap practice. Need a big self-Love to solve that. Self-love question.

And for most self-help authors this does not sell books. LOL...

So let's see in a wide way.

The following is a schematic of what I learned and observed happens.

To understand better, let's see how Love works in the experience I had and collected and experienced.

Look at the previous draw.

When you enter a Love state, that is like a closed circle.
That is an entirely new realm.
There is a realm related only to yourself, where experience Love.

To be clear, in a couple, each one has his/her own circle. That's not a prison where both stay.

So the way how each one will leave that area is different.

So observe I pointed out three different exit door:
1) The No Love Direct Exit Door. This is simple. The person was never in Love, just had a nice time, but never had entered the Love realm. They just walk around for a time and leave.
2) The Exit by Pain Door. Accepting the pain and going into the center, to the other exit door.
3) The Exit By Love Door, when you free the other and let him/her go just by Love. (remember, true Love is freedom).

1) The No Love Direct Exit Door

The first is easy to get. The person just has some fun but never experienced Love.
Was just fun and is easy to let it behind.
In practice, the person never entered a Love realm.
This is why too often we talk with someone who does not understand why the other just left so easy.

But the following two other doors, are a personal experience.
See, if you are inside the circle, it's your circle. The other never had such one.


As I told you, each one in a relationship has his/her own realm, a personal circle. Both will share experiences, but each one still is unique about that.
To make it simple, let's continue talking about just one circle, but this for sure applies to each one accordingly to each one level of consciousness.

Be clear: Only you can work in your circle. You can't live another life. Your feelings and thoughts are your only.

While you are in that love realm, observe there are many levels, many experiences, as human life happens so we will experience all that.

This is what I draw that line moving all areas, as an example of how people act during the relationship and even after that.

We'll be moving from the high Love feelings level to the comfortable areas, where everything is Ok.
But when troubles happen, some will work to solve them and climb again to the high levels.
A desirable level at most is the "comfortable level" and up. Things are Ok, no dramas, just moving daily to care how much to do more or not. That's is more like being friends, but still Ok.

But others will just accept the accommodation level.  That is when there are a lot of problems, just one or both chose to do nothing and accept to live a boring sad life. Some become near zombies. How many relationships we see this way around?

So even nice people sometimes will be caught at a very boring accommodation level. They forgot to care about their relationships. No watering, no care, nothing. There's nothing to make about as this only happens from inside.
If one does not want, sorry, the other can't do it by him.

And this how so many relationships are working around the world.

This is the meaning of the lines in the previous draw.

2) The Exit by Pain Door

Sometimes things go worse. And everything is falling.

And some people will do anything to avoid the pain exit door. They will have a long time of suffering, never doing a serious move to change that.

Remember the lines, when love finished, only suffering happens and people still refuse to let that realm.
The sad result is something like this:

All that became sadness, a hell in life and still people refuse to get the exit door due to fear of the suffering they already have!
Note here the Exit goes to a nice garden with a new path.

When It is Finished Get the Main Exit Door

Someday people realize love has gone and need to move on.

And how to go for it?

The most direct is to grown, become mature.
Emotions are strong, but still, you must be in control.

So the best of all is to move to the Pain Exit Door.

The Pain Exit Door is where strong suffering may happen.

In practice, not exactly suffering.
I like to call it "Pain Door",  but it's not always so.


The Pain Exit door is reached only when you choose to feel really deep all the Love and find that you need to have the final cry. It's the burning of all the remaining feelings.

It can be the most painful point just because is hard to accept it.
The mind doesn't accept it.

But again, that will be really such a stronger pain?

To be sincere, NO!

Be sure, what real pain is to stay in the accommodation area, avoiding the pain.
That pain will be like a stick, but only once.
Sometimes you need to go to a doctor and receive medicine too. Many people dislike it, but it's needed.

What you have to do is choose the risk of the change.
This is the final decision.

Is the moment you really say to yourself it's time to move on!

It's the time when you learn you have to Love yourself first, to have a live, self-steam.

When you enter there, you will discover that door is like a Fire exit.
And as I told you, going into that door means you will be recalling all the Love you had, but for the last time.
That will be the final cry, the final suffering.
Like a Fire.

And that fire will free you.

So for such cases, cry all you can if you feel so, but accept and enter at that door.
The day you do this, you won't look back.

For sure, is nice to keep the good rememberings, but once you cut the love aspect, that will be just part of your life experience. Nice times, nothing more.

3) The Exit By Love Door

What is leave a relationship with Love?

Another popular quote: true love frees.

Sometimes we meet someone who has a mission, something to do.

So we have to free him/her to follow the path.

The Lie about Twin Souls 

This is something a lot of romantic people had. About someone, the only one in the universe who is your perfect match.
Sorry, it's not so.

I don't mind what idea of a God you have. So think with me: may such a Powerful God be so cruel to make just only one person who is related to you on this entire planet?

There are hundreds and even thousands of twin souls to each human being on the planet.
Maybe you live in a very small village with few people. But just go to another place and fast you will discover how many more people are ready to meet with you!
Just to think, there are more than 2.5 million cities in the world. I'm sure you will find true love in most of them if you stay there for a time.
Uhm? So forget that stupid idea about just only one person in the entire world. That is a sin story created to make people have fear to love and keep at stagnation level.

Few people get what really twin souls are.

A twin soul is someone who has very similar levels of evolution and consciousness to you.

So most probably, the same way as you, he or she will also have goals in life.

For people in a simple life, that often is not a problem as the goals are more basic.

But the most you have evolution, self-development, and more at spiritual areas, such goals become really big to deal, long time tasks that will affect even the entire planet.

So how to match two people with so important works to do? Uhm?

Each one has too much to do so is near impossible they stay together except for concise moments, and that is not a relationship.

So here is a nice example, as when two real twin souls meet each other, the world appears to explode around in light and blessing shared with everyone.

When there's a real twin soul match, that is a giant event.

But they can't stay together, each one has a path.
So they give thanks to each other and leave the other free.

For life, both will know where the other is, but they know can't be together and will fully Love each other.

See here a complete different Exit Door at the center:

Still, the exit is at the center.
Is the same previous door at the center, but there's no pain.

Still, the center is the point of maximum Love.

This is what really happens when True Love frees the other.

They go at maximum Love level and become free to follow.

About Using Magic to Disconnect Emotionally From Someone

Is this possible?

Well, I may say yes and no.

Take the idea from the first circle. To disconnect what you need is to become conscious about what is happening, become more mature, and grow.
Once you got conscious that Exit Door will be or not of pain.

The same way magic can't create true Love, I think for now is not really possible to destroy a Love.

What is possible is to help the process about how to deal with that circle realm.

So the main aspect is to bring Light to the situation. Bring light inside your mind and make thoughts clear.

Or conjure Arcangel Anael (Haniel), from Venus's sphere and ask him to bring harmony and restore inner peace. Remember an angel will even put a lot of light onto it to make things clear so you can learn (if you are a stubborn one). Other times, the process will be easier for sure.

But even Light can be hard to deal with.

So, many works will put light on the situation, so you see what is really happening.

But many people won't like what they see, sorry.

Anyway, some suggestions:

Water to clean up your emotional bodies

A nice and simple shamanic approach is to drink water. I say to drink some 6-8 liters a day for some two weeks and then come back to a normal level (2-3 liters a day). Have one week to rest and do it again.
Water is related to emotions, so the first idea is to "wash" your feelings. The second idea is water is a kind of light, so you will put a light inside yourself to banish the dark aspects.

The cleanup by fire

This is something I have done using my witch cauldron to burn connections and any dark energies related to the person.
There are relations where links become very stronger and this is a way to work out it.
Also, the fire will bring light to the situation.
For sure I can't teach how I do this, not because is my job, just need magic practice to deal with the spirits being called for that.

But, you can do very simple work by yourself, and this is already is very popular.
Just make a fire, it can be simple as a candle or a bonfire. Do not call any spirit. Is just you and the cleansing power of fire.
Write the name of the person on a paper. In another paper write the feelings you do not want anymore in your life because of that person. You can add photos or personal objects of the person to remove that forever from your life. Take that in your hands, look it for the last time and throw it into the fire saying "Goodbye!" Make this your last goodbye.

Chakra Workings

If you already have worked for years with Chakra working techniques, there are some to help.

One is Atisha’s Heart Meditation. The idea is to use it with a minor change. The technique works to bring consciousness and change your mood.
Bring your awareness to your heart chakra.
(Here the change) With each in-breath, breathe all YOUR OWN suffering.
The heart chakra is a big fire of Love that will transmute that suffering into the light.
So with each out-breath, breathe out love and compassion.
Get this? Use your own heart fire to burn all the suffering into Universal Love energy.

Secondary effects are you may bring more light into the previous love you want to forget and will cry really a lot. On another side, this may help you to make the decision to go to the Pain Exit Door and become free.
This is a general all aspects transmutation meditation anyway.

Crystal Workings

Crystals are the pure energy of nature. They will help to clean up your energy. A decent size crystal is needed, so forget that cheap 0.5" size ones. I say big crystals or some with that rare extreme pure quality (usually 10x the price of others). A decent size Ruby can be useful due to its power on self-steam.
For sure, some common size crystals will work too. Something like a hand size is Ok to have near during your meditation works.

Working with Angelic or Demons Magic

Angels show what is happening and work to make you learn what you need to learn.
Again, light over the events so you can choose and make the move to leave that bad situation.

Many demons are just angels with another name or ancient deities. Just they may show what's happening, but some will help more to break the connection creating or just showing something to make the break happens.

Citing Jake Stratton-Kent: "a spirit good for creating a relationship may well help get over one too. With conjure magic looking sideways at the spirit's abilities is a useful knack."

What I think about most of the time, will help to bring light to the relationship so your mind will have the needed to make the choice and finish that.

Calming the mind

There are ways to make the mind calm. Even forgetting for a time and this can become a needed rest.

See, there are some works like a freeze spell to make someone "forget" something for a time.
This way, anything that still exists may go forgotten for a needed time.

The better of all

Be sure, until now the best I found is to know someone you have an interest in and have a new relationship.
Even a friend with who you become intimate.
Yes, friends have sex too or just have nice caress together.  Even a good friend for fond kisses will do wonders for your heart chakra cleanup.

This does not mean a new love, just someone you like to be with, and this way, nature does her work cleaning up your soul.



Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


domingo, 17 de julho de 2016

Memory versus Learning

Memory versus Learning

From times to times I meet someone who is very proud to know by head a lot of information.

But how much this is usefull?

This is an article where I do a mix about corporate software development and the occult study areas as I have told for some years, I found my work to be a whole at all.

Ok. If your company dislike because I love to walk at mountains and nature places there's no problem. People have personal lives. And my work as any other professional worker is what I do for life and to help companies growing.But personal interests are not of your business most of times and we observed any skilled talents in the market have other areas of interest to add to their experience and skills.

So we have a lot of information we receive in life, plus all training and experiences. This is what make us reach levels of expertize and being able to solve our work needs.

So there are many levels. Some will do only the basic, others will be able to work alone, others will be able to create and to do. Some others will lead and teach others. And few will reach the "wisdom level".  Each company need all of them.

I fully agree with this quote cited as being from Einstein:
Never memorize something that you can look up.- Albert Einstein"
Here is the comment about at the site Brightdrops:
"This is more true today than it was back in Einstein’s time, because the Internet means you can look just about anything up. That frees the mind from having to memorize useless facts and figures and explore deeper thoughts that require creativity and imagination, two things that Einstein prized above all else. It’s true that even some of the most successful business people followed this strategy. Henry Ford was once questioned about how smart he was and retorted that he could get the answer to any question with just the push of a button, so why did he have to know it?"

My comments:

For sure at school and university and some level exams you need to know for each area, a lot of information. 
And for times ahead, for example, if you chose an area like Medicine. A doctor must know a lot of principles related to so many areas and be able to identify the most symptoms as fast as possible.

One way to do it is often review your study and reread even old books. Our memory is a machine and need be oiled, Ok? So is very good to add new material, but also give a look even at some very basic materials. And as a book lover, I had many old books I reread sometimes.

Uhm, well, that is what we expect from most doctors and the really good ones can do it. 
But not all times. The purpose is to understand the information you get and develop your own expertise.

With time you have to be able to know how to use it. Keep what is important, have the main principles and understand what is needed to develop it.

Even the character Dr. House from the TV series who was really brilliant needed to search for information. 

My "uncle" Mr Spock was so brilliant but many times had researched for information too. Star Trek fans will remember he was too often at the computer researching, but other times at his personal place meditating and working on yourself.

Ok. There are the information needed and at what is needed to know about to deal with it. 

To me, the important is not how much information you can keep at mind ready to call it at once.

The important is if you is able to use it. To know how to use it!

Even some occult orders appears to pay atention to how much information you can have at mind.
Uhm, Ok, for sure the good ones have people skilled to just talk with someone and to be able to see who is who.

But what the difference this have to any professional area?

To me, none.
For companies, a leveled professional must talk with someone skilled for just few minutes for a match. No stupid basic school test as some still does. Most of times that is rude.

Sorry friends at any of such groups as I've been able to talk with any people at any of my work areas in respectful ways at all levels.

What some are looking for? 

I'm sad to comment, I had talked with so many people who work in a way to make sure their companies will broke soon.  They do not look for a wide scene.

Ok, about to know. A simple example: you may know how to do a very nice better barbecue? Great!!! Please, invite me, I'm a very bad at cuisine!

Anyways, I still know the theory about how to make the fire and the meat, but most of you just are better at the cuisine. LOL...

Yes!!! Just because I like a barbecue this in no ways means I have to be so good doing it!

Barbecue done in a typical south Brasil way."Churrasco".

Information is only data. Useless without the expertize for practice. 
A scholar is someone who love research. A scientist, some skilled software developers, a medicine doctor and many others.

And many scholars don't know all that information by head!
Get this? If you visit a scholar at work most for sure you will see a lot of books for reference opened around. Just for curiosity, now I have nine books plus printings and notes around me I'm using this week. Plus usually a dozen tabs opened at the internet browser for references I'm looking for. They will be back to the stand but next day I get more up the tables.
A reason we love libraries!

So well, why I became a writer?

For sure not because I know everything by head!

I use to say I become a writer because I don't like to remember too much things, no matter the expertise I may develop on it. 

And why? Just because I know where I can find the information I need.

I may write about computer development work, a fantastic fiction tale or something about the occult or my experiences on human development. 

What I really need is to know what to do. Dot.

Despite some capability to write since early age, my first formal article came to public only in 1986.

It was a ten pages article for for a local Computerworld journal (The DataNews Journal), about advanced software development of online systems (CICS/VS) for IBM mainframes. A high level technology and was ten pages at first. Wow! Guess how I felt! And the publisher did a lot on the Ads... LOL... 

But how I started that about writing? 
Just doing what I do almost all days since I remember. I always used to read a lot and was saving information and taking notes about my study. 
How many people goes to the bathroom with a 300 pages computer manual or an occult book? I was one since the 70s.  
And there was a lot of big books to study. Not only one, but usually a dozen each with 300-400 pages to read just for one area. And the need for practices few have did. 
Any  coincidence with occult area? Just to cite as you become better at some area, this will help to the others areas too. Need discipline and practice.

Computers to me always was related with the occult. And no mysticims about.  Just is something you need to go deep and try a lot, have errors and learn from that.

Both areas goes deep into realms with a wide knowledge to explore. 
And you can use your imagination to develop a personal method to work.

For sure I have a lot of processed information in my brain, but I have no memory about working only by head in life, but always working with all much I was using at time plus the need for references. 

And may be you do not know, astronauts who went to the moon had manuals to use all the time. They was real heros!
I remember to see photos of the Nasa people, all the team, doing trainings seated at the floor, not nice rooms, they was on extreme pressure and have to get the information as soon as possible, and put it in practice.
Just to remember, most of photos you will find about that missions had most seniors professionals, working hard, not only fashion teens as we see at many company profiles.

Apollo astronauts learning to survive in the depths of the Panamanian jungle.
Source: psyched4sport

Learning about the jungle is very related with many practical aspects of business. Are you able to continue despite the worst troubles?

So I found at some time, I had so many information collected to become an article and started to publish. This is how it started. Collecting notes. And I never stopped.

The result from that article was interesting. I received a lot of letters from all major companies in my country while my boss (who had a copy of the journal in his desk) tryed to ignore it because he knew my salary was not so good... (LOL...) and used to recognized me after being called due costumers... I was a big reference in the market that time....  
Funny but true. 

Ok, I was not after his aproval. The first is my own. And a hundreds of good ones had returned too.  

This have happened to my softtware professional area and at the occult areas.

Remember, I use to say I see my work very related to all these areas. Human kind evolution and computers.
Sometime we will have a development level very advanced. Many are just Sci-fi for now. 

I'm not against yours approval of this or that.

A main point if you have a work you know to be true and work for it. 

Not all people will agree with you. 
And many will question what you are doing in all possible ways. 

And the first way I point all times is: I'm not a scholar! I'm a practictioner! 

What your company pay atention for? To know or just only know the current fashion tool? 
To just obbey orders or have oppinions to create and make your company grown?

There's not much difference using tools from centuries or the internet fashion tools. 

You must to know what to look for!

Juan Manuel Fangio
A guy who really knew how to do it.

Sorry people, I won't appears in a chat and be ready to talk by mind an entire text from an old grimoire or whatever on technology. 
Nor I will be able many times to present by head a work about a computer software among dozens I've worked. But I can talk by myself at any time and if I have few hours to get into something new or not it may surprise you.

I work to learn and develop about how to do it at my areas!

I love Juan Manuel Fangio as a big example. 
This guy had not automatic machines. He driven F1 cars in brute. No computers. No fantastic machines. Just a man and the tool he chose.

This guy for life, until dead, received each week visitors, the best pilots of the world, and guess for what? Just because he was knew as being a Master in his work. The most famous pilots came into him to learn and give respect. In practice, he worked his entire life. 

I will repeat this to so company leaders: Juan Manuel Fangio was visited until his dead by people who came to learn with him how to drive. They never was against the tools. 

If you pay atention for the tools only, you are ready to become a looser

Like a company where they only goes after costs. They will broke soon for sure. 

Creativity, being produtive is the first. 
Never, but never about having some information by head. 

You must to know how to use it.. 

Any good pilot will be ready to learn and drive a machine. Get this company managers? A decent professional must know what to do. The tool is only the way we may use.

So I will be able to comment at instant about how things work. 
If I need a phormula, I know where to get it. 
At internet times we have lots of sources. One must be able to filter all bulshit, find the best forums, and for sure, look for the best authors and books. 

When it is some tool I have not worked, I will be ready to recognize what I need to follow on that. 

This is Learning. 

I don't pay a f*ck if someone only know the current computer software tool. This is not so different from dozens I had used in deep for years. 

Remember when Nokia had to admit they lose their creativity near to broke? Hummm?? I had an article in 2009 about intrusions on people life many years before that is a critical reason to loose profesionals. A senior manager commented in public article to prefer hiring a criminal instead a smoker so I had to comment about some human and company aspects. Real talents have a real life. But if your company chose a raper, a murder or any other criminal because dislike someone personal interest, well, pay the price and I really wish that won't affect your family. Or better, remember you have a family. 

And going into the occult, want to learn another Grimoire area? What you need to follow? The Great Art is also named The work of God. This means standarts to follow, discipline, brain work, not became a saint, Ok? 

Why real good creative people does not want to work at your company? 

I suggest you to read this fantastic Aaron Shapiro's article, and it is very up to date to any area where talent is needed: Why Digital Talent Doesn’t Want To Work At Your Company.

And if this is about occult, there are a lot to do, and I will follow that for the needed time.

Memory is good to immediate needs, like the ceremonial rituals you are working for many time. 

But just to know phrases by head never, but never is the same as to know how to deal with that. 

I'm always far aways from the ultimate goal,

But I'm always sure about what I want to do and with some decent idea about how it can be done and most of all, be ready to discover a new way for that!

Want to grow your business? Grow your mind!
