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sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2021

O meu ritual de Vela Angélica de 7 Dias

Imagem ilustrativa pois cada ritual pode ser diferente. 

Um Ritual de Oração Ampliado porém simples. 

A oração é um dos principais recursos e aqui ofereço a oração em seu favor. 

Isto é para ajudar em apenas uma área ou objetivo específico de cada vez. 

Algumas pessoas mostram curiosidade por meu serviço de Vela Angélica que procuro esclarecer  basicamente na página de Consultas e Atividades, vamos comentar aqui. 

Certamente não é "apenas" acender a vela como alguns pensam, é todo um processo de preparação para cada pessoa e uma ritualística formal sendo realizada nos dias e horas planetários adequados. 

Este serviço não inclui obviamente consulta nem orientação. É você quem escolhe qual esfera planetária deseja trabalhar. Se precisar de orientação solicite Consulta Formal por e-mail e nesse caso Standard ou com Numerologia. 

Certamente este serviço não substitui atividades maiores que faço que podem durar até meses com dúzias de rituais. 

Cada vela é para o Arcanjo regente planetário correspondente e será acesa no dia correpondente ao anjo. 

Para informações sobre as esferas angélicas e planetárias leia o artigo: 

Anjos e Esferas Planetárias – Algumas notas básicas.

Algumas áreas básicas citadas no artigo acima: 

  • Saturno. Sábado. Arcanjo Zaphkiel. Cor preta. O início e fim das coisas. A morte, os ciclos de existência de todas coisas.  Fortalecer seu mundo. Ter mais sabedoria. Julgamento, experiência. 
  • Júpiter. Quinta-feira. Arcanjo Zadkiel. Cor azul. Riqueza, prosperidade, conhecimento, aprendizado, estudos.
  • Marte. Terça-feira. Arcanjo Samael. Cor vermelha. Disciplina, trabalho, guerra, proteção, sexo.
  • Sol. Domingo. Arcanjo Raphael ou Arcanjo Michael. Cor amarelo/dourado. Poder, divindade, raciocínio lógico, força de vontade, justiça, resistência, prosperidade, ser bem visto.
  • Vênus. Sexta-feira. Arcanjo Haniel. Cor verde. Harmonizar relacionamentos (de todos tipos, amorosos, família, colegas, amizades),  ajudar no amor, romance, sexo, luxo, criação de novas coisas (incluindo ser mais criativo).
  • Mercúrio. Quarta-feira. Arcanjo Michael ou Arcanjo Raphael. Cores mistas ou laranja. Intelecto, comunicação, viagens. Oratória, aprendizado, negócios.
  • Lua. Segunda-feira. Arcanjo Gabriel. Cor prata ou branco. Mundo espiritual, sonhos, Intuição, adivinhação, maternidade.

Assim, é um serviço de baixo custo, mas repito, não inclui nenhuma orientação nem Consulta Formal, é você quem escolhe. 

Se precisa de uma atividade maior e mais completa, consulta, orientações e orçamentos a respeito clique aqui: Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia 

Solicite seu Ritual de Vela Angélica clicando aqui!

Este serviço é uma oração muito potencializada onde basicamente acendemos uma vela de 7 dias untada em óleo e consagrada ao anjo adequado para o seu caso fazendo ritual próprio para isso e requer bastante tempo e vários outros recursos, velas adicionais, incensos, ferramentas mágicas, etc. A imagem acima é apenas ilustrativa, porém foi feita após um ritual formal, mas sempre removo certas coisas do altar, inclusive dados de clientes, mas procura dar uma idéia do que é feito e isso tem muitas variações. 

Se você já tiver um dos meus livros de orações como as do Arcanjo Raphael e Michael, veja a parte da "Oração Completa" e a coisa que faço neste ritual de Vela Angélica é certamente bem maior do que apresento ali e colegas experientes saberão o que fazer. 

Assim, eu acrescento neste ritual os demais elementos para uma ritualística maior, preparação pessoal, conjuração do Altíssimo, círculo, vela cerimonial untada em óleo, incenso, incluindo as consagrações todas para cada coisa. Ou seja, é um ritual básico mas muito potente também. 

Assim, será acesa no meu altar com toda parte ritualística formal para o arcanjo e sua necessidade e é o ritual mais barato de todos que faço mas bem interessante como tenho observado resultados. 

Isso é adequado quando você precisa de uma oração maior para pedir energias dos anjos nalguma área específica. Isto não substitui rituais maiores em magia mas podem ser de grande ajuda e recebo relatos bem interessantes das pessoas. 

Ou seja, é uma oração potencializada muitas vezes digamos assim. Comparando, numa atividade em magia formal eu faço rituais mais complexos e terão repetições e reforços por até muitos meses o que certamente tem um valor bem maior. 

Cada vela é dedicada o regente planetário correspondente e será acesa no dia correspondente ao anjo. Para informações sobre as esferas angélicas e planetárias leia o artigo: 

Anjos e Esferas Planetárias – Algumas notas básicas.

Este serviço não inclui consulta formal nem orientação. É você quem escolhe qual esfera planetária deseja trabalhar. 


  • Esta é uma atividade específica, para uma única finalidade de cada vez e não serve para atender a tudo, então peça para apenas um objetivo ou área de cada vez (saúde, negócios, aprendizado, etc) senão a energia será muito diluída.   

  • Vamos repetir que essa não é solução barata para situações maiores. Pode ajudar em casos emergenciais de saúde quando só resta pedir uma oração. Por outro lado, se você busca algo como amarração, atacar alguém em casos de magia, brigas, etc. lamento mas não se aplica e no máximo tal operação servirá para um alento. 


Temos exceções é claro!

A idéia desse serviço é atender quem busca um acréscimo sólido no que está buscando. Poderíamos comparar com uma operação com anabolizantes. 

Porém da mesma maneira tenho clientes de longa data, que tem serviços formais comigo de valores muito maiores, porém por si mesmos gostariam de pedir algum acréscimo nalguma área específica. Certamente eu faço avaliação nesses casos se é adequado algo maior ou se apenas é um pedido de um acréscimo aqui e ali que são muito válidos e poderá ser de tantas outras variações impossíveis de citar todas aqui e incluem outras áreas da magia. 

Então, nem sempre vou precisar sugerir algo maior, uma vela já ajuda muito! E a pessoa se beneficia com isso. É algo que a pessoa percebe por si que seria interessante colocar mais uma luz, dar seguimento nalguma área por exemplo, então nesses casos eu vou adicionar isso sem extras, apenas o valor desse serviço mesmo que já tenhamos outras coisas em andamento e certamente será um valor bem mais em conta. 

Repito que isto não substitui rituais maiores que necessitam de Consulta Formal

Se precisa de uma atividade maior e mais completa, consulta, orientações e orçamentos a respeito clique aqui: Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia 

Nem sempre precisamos de grandes operações, mas sim de uma luz bem acesa em seu favor. 

Solicite seu Ritual de Vela Angélica clicando aqui!



segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017

A Numerologia para 2018

Relacionamentos e parcerias
Photo by Chesteridis

A Numerologia para 2018

A vida sempre nos traz novos momentos, desafios e experiências.
E temos tantos momentos legais, novas oportunidades, conhecer coisas novas.
Assim a possibilidade constante de perceber que não estamos sós no universo.
Não estou falando sobre seres de outros planetas apesar de eu acreditar na sua existência e ter minhas próprias experiências na área.
É simples. Apenas na nossa pequena galáxia temos algo entre 200 e 400 bilhões de estrelas. Isso numa única galáxia. E os cientistas ainda tem muito trabalho analisando todas outras que podem ser observadas de alguma maneira. Coisa razoável entre 100 e 200 bilhões de outras galáxias apenas no universo observável, ou seja, a pequena área que nossos atuais instrumentos atuais conseguem observar.
E mais ainda, vamos lembrar que nosso planeta está na periferia dessa galáxia, literalmente somos apenas um planetinha num subúrbio distante.
Assim como nas regiões urbanas de nosso planeta, pensando num nível maior, quanta coisa mais existe nas áreas maiores e mais iluminadas dessa galáxia?
Então é difícil pensar que estejamos sózinhos e por experiência prática e pessoal repito, acredito que não estamos sós nesse aspecto.

Voltando ao nosso nível humano, nesse lindo planeta onde sempre estamos em contato com outras pessoas e com a natureza, suas criaturas, plantas, paisagens, montanhas, rios, etc.
Toda natureza é nossa companheira.

Vivemos num planeta com tantas diversidades sociais e naturais. Matas e desertos. Montanhas e planícies. Algumas sociedades são mais tecnológicas, outras mais voltadas às questões culturais e suas tradições.

Tudo isso faz parte de sermos humanos e poder vivenciar e aprender a cada dia novas coisas e também desfrutar daquilo que já conhecemos e realizamos.

Todo relacionamento tem como meta maior elevar a consciência de ambas as partes. Começando por aprender o que significa "companheirismo" e através disso desenvolver a verdadeira amizade.

E o que significa "elevar a consciência"? É enxergar mais e ter o entendimento maior sobre o que passamos a ver e entender como somos parte disso.

É como quando subimos num lugar mais alto e observamos um horizonte mais amplo. Descobrimos que os limites e as áreas que podemos explorar são maiores.
E para os que sobem altas montanhas, poder ver até a curvatura da terra desde lá de cima e descobrir em si mesmos essas possibilidade de que existe tanto mais por explorar e desenvolver.

Relacionar-se com outros e com a própria vida é um aprendizado de expansão de suas próprias capacidades e assim ter novas inspirações e ideais pelos quais vale a penas lutar e seguir.

E também percebendo que nunca estamos sózinhos. A natureza conspira a teu favor, o universo deseja teu sucesso pois isso é o que significa evolução.

Em nosso mundo é comum tantas pessoas que fazem suas orações pela paz mundial, ou oram  por uma elevação social ampla ou apenas pelo bem dos demais.
Agora pensemos que essas orações possam ir muito mais além, até as estrelas.
E da mesma forma, quem sabe, quantos seres nessas tantas outras estrelas, apenas em nossa galáxia, estejam orando por todo. E suas orações estejam chegando também até aqui, nessa periferia remota e escura.

Sim, eu digo periferia escura pois os que estão mais próximos do centro da Via-Láctea, tem céus muito iluminados por milhões de estrêlas a mais.
Mas suas orações também devem chegar até aqui de alguma forma se pensarmos que a energia se expande em todas direções.

Isso é uma ligação de energia também, um relacionamento entre forças vivas. 

Cada dia de nossa vidas estamos sempre em busca de algo para nossas vidas e isso é uma forma de relacionamento com o que está além de nós. 
Seja com nosso corpo com a comida, ou estar com alguém que seja nosso parceiro ou perceber que a nossa união com o ar que respiramos também é uma forma de nos relacionarmos com a existência.

Relacionar-se acontece mesmo para quem seja um eremita na montanha, pois ele nunca estará só, mas com as energias naturais e celestiais.
E mesmo nas cidades onde tantos vivemos, pode-se aprender a trabalhar com a qualidade de nossas relações e nos tornamos igualmente aptos a buscar o melhor, tanto quanto os que vivem em locais mais afastados onde as interações são em menor quantidade, mas ainda assim, ocorrem e sua qualidade pode ser melhor apreciada.

Relacionar-se consigo mesmo, seu próprio corpo e a natureza é o primeiro nível.
Conhecer nossos sentidos, nossa respiração.
Perceber a energia do sol, do vento e de toda natureza ao nosso redor pois ela sempre estará ali.

Veja, mesmo nas maiores metrópoles, a natureza sempre é nossa parceira, pois vai estar todos dias insistindo em brotar novas folhas em qualquer cantinho e dessa forma nos lembrando que se deixarmos sua energia agir, em poucos anos teremos ali novamente uma floresta.

Portanto não importa se você vive numa pequena cidade ou numa metrópole urbana, poderá observar que a natureza vai estar sempre procurando se manifestar e renovar todo o espaço existente.
Por isso que ter no seu próprio espaço pessoal até mesmo alguns humildes vasos com folhagens são uma demonstração de tua parte em reciprocidade ao tanto que a natureza lhe oferece todos os dias, o ar que respira, o brilho das estrelas, a chuva, o vento, etc.

Traga isso para a convivência com as pessoas, com tuas atividades em qualquer área que pratiques.

Nunca estará a sós.

É a energia resultante de compartilhar a vida!

Os números para 2018.

Na numerologia 2018 será um ano de número 2. O cálculo é feito assim: (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2)

O número 2 é a associação, a amizade, a parceria. É a energia feminina da ligação para criar o novo.

Ou seja, relacionamentos em todas áreas, familia, negócios, amizades e com a própria natureza.

Se 2017 foi um ano de ação e novo começos, 2018 vai ser um ano de materialização de novas idéias começadas no ano anterior e que poderão ocorrer com a participação de outras pessoas.

Uma das energias presentes é estimular a paixão pelo que se faz, em qualquer área, portanto dedique-se e procure colocar seu coração no que estiver fazendo.

É uma característica própria da associação existir o desejo de estar junto para criar algo maior. 

O número 2 tem a ver com polaridades também. Um lado ou outro. Preto no branco.

Portanto energias que nos remetem a observar as relações com as pessoas, se são boas ou não, olhe os dois lados antes de cada decisão.
E o mesmo para todas nossas atividades.
Serão energias atuantes para mostrar muito claramente alguma situação por um lado, ou simplesmente não serem percebidas por outro.
Um ano de muitos eventos onde coisas podem surgir "de repente" como se as pessoas não tivessem percebido as nuances entre uma etapa e outra. Certamente teremos algumas surpresas em várias áreas. 

Independente disso, o número 2 tem a ver com compartilhar, associar-se com algo. Assim vai estimular o desejo de união e associações com outras pessoas, eventos e a própria natureza.

Associações até inusitadas de empresas por exemplo, como um amor a primeira vista podem ocorrer, mesmo que tenham tido alguma intenção anterior, poderão surgir e finalmente resultar sem que seus líderes realmente saiba explicar porque fizeram aquilo.

E como tudo, nem sempre essas associações serão boas. Daí sugerirmos sempre buscarem orientação e aconselhamento para suas atividade.

Ainda sobre a idéia do "preto no branco", isso nos lembra de algo muito prático: documentos. Sempre é necessário avaliar bem propostas e documentos escritos. Da mesma forma surpresas tanto em contratos quanto até em Leis de cada país poderão chamar a atenção por serem trabalhados exatamente "ao pé da letra" o que vai deixar muita margem para certas atividades.

Seja como for, de forma geral é um ano para observamos como nos relacionamos com os demais, buscar o melhor para nós e os outros pois o melhor negócio, a melhor relação é aquela quando é boa para ambas as partes.

Então procure pensar um pouquinho mais além de si mesmo, mas como a sua participação em tudo que faz, sua familia, grupo de amigos, trabalho, sua cidade e país, etc. vai ser importante para resultados maiores e melhores.

Repito, o melhor é quando aquilo que fazemos é bom para nós e para os demais.

E cada um também tem seu ano pessoal. Veja, a energia maior do ano será a do número 2, porém cada pessoa de acordo com sua data de nascimento terá um número pessoal diferente e é preciso pensar em como a energia desse número funcionará em parceria com o número 2.

Esse é um dos motivos pelo qual procuro estudar a numerologia da data de nascimento das pessoas, para terem um melhor conhecimento de si mesmas e entenderem melhor como usar essas energias a seu favor, como a possibilidade de descobrir um mapa e conhecer melhor os caminhos que estão por serem explorados nas muitas áreas de suas vidas.



Leia também:

Numerologia com Sentido


terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2017

The Numerology for 2017

Photo by: Rynn (Nightfest)  - USA

The Numerology for 2017

Note: this text will receive some revision in the next days.
(Last edited Feb,9,2017)

We started 2017 with many world events happening, but most was expected, like events in the politics areas, companies doing this or that, people arguing about so many different ideas.

In practice I won’t say thing are not changing. Be sure things will always will change. But the direction is not due global events, as they in practice started at each one acting into his/her personal world and that added to others until that result in big movements.

Everything Is A Cycle
Art by Teagan White - USA
There are cycles in life:
Natura non facit saltus! From Latin: “Nature does not makes jumps!”

This to remember all natural things and change gradually with time. Season's cycles, people you knew and become an adult and you was unaware of it. The tree you saw as a small herb in the middle of the grass grown and now have fruits.

Most of times people does not pay attention to all intermediate events happening, just remember a previous time until something happens and they discover to be far away from the source events.
Each year is just a continuation from the previous, with some remainder energies and new incoming events that will be affected and be observed in different points of view just because you are also changing.

Some background: 

I had commented for years about my vision on the numbers for each year, and glad almost everything I told have been right, including the income years like after that 2012 apocalypse time.See the 2012 Numerology.

That time I was pointed to talk about some future world events. I had commented more at the forums too. Even if I don't like to do any kind of prophecy, I had to do that time as a strong warning and most to people at spiritual areas, mainly the ones at higher levels, because the decades and even two centuries to come. The world is going into that and each year we see that more and more.

Just to remember, we are going each year more and more into the mixing of many practices and religions with other ideas and concepts. Each year information is easier to get anywhere and even the most remote places will be affected someway due this.
And this is not only in the spiritual areas, but also at politics, science, culture, etc. At all places people are collecting information and using it someway, creating some good mixes, but some others not so.
Even at some very fanatics areas we see they using new resources and methods that are against even their self-proclaimed principles, just with the excuse of something be needed. Just hypocrites and opportunists.  
For example, in my country we have a lot of evangelic churches and many of them have been using practices I recognize at once as proper from the African Traditional Religions. Modern practitioners of the traditional areas of Western Magic also have been using methods and techniques from very different sources.No need to cite the cruel terrorists who use anything to show they are just cowards.

In the next years, politics, technology, science, etc. are going to become to be confuse areas too. We’ll find many of them adopting practices from other areas and many, even if with a sincere desire to do the good for others, in practice results in more problems that people are not thinking about just because they does not observe what is the real source of such things.

Art by Mario Sánchez Nevado - Spain
As 2017 is a number 1 year, we'll see more of this at both sides: some people will be more on acting than thinking while others will be "doing" instead of just acting.  
There are many examples at many areas. At technology companies we'll see more and more a stagnation due some company leaders looking only for gain and lacking to care the minds behind the busines. It's just a matter of times of busines collapse due lack of knowledge. If you don't preserve the professionals who know how and what to do, be sure the newbies will not replace them just because they won't find people to teach them. Newbies can be cheap, but are the olders who keep business with a background and able to be moving.

The spiritual confusion also acts at the society level, I say not just the magicians and witches, but every common people is under such mixing of ideas and practices. Remember most people even without any kind of spiritual practice, are most of times ruled by them. Even if they are not part of some religions, the leaders, business people and governs, most of all times have guidance from people at the spiritual and magic areas. 
The result will be a confusion and that in no ways will be good. We are going fast into a kind of spiritual dark age and in my point of view, in just one more decade things can be really very worse.

This is why I pointed that time to the higher ones to become prepared to support people, to be able to be a light to others and be able to fight against the confusion and work to restore a better level of consciousness but this also will need some decades more.

So let's be moving to act with creativity and to develop our lives!

And now at 2017 we are entering again is a number 1 year, a time for action, changes and even new cycles.
Like the others, this is not a numerology study for each people, but it is about the global energies around for this year, so each one may have an idea how things at global levels will be acting so they can think better how to deal with that.

Even if the energy is global, still you have to work locally, as an individual. No matter what you do, even if you are the President of a big company, a farmer or a salesman, you have your own path and the way you care of your life is what matter.
Each one have a personal path. So in the same way the personal numerology is different even for people who born at the same day as commented at previous articles. You have your family and geographic/social influences acting. Who you was at previous lives, the kind of activities you will be attracted for, your personal evolution. All this matters.

This is one reason why I add comments about the personal numerology at the full readings I do, as the way I work, is not only the Tarot. In practice, I use often use both techniques as I’m talking about how the person is and how that numbers affect the way each event is perceived and how to deal with that. So for sure, the ideal is each one have a personal study for each year, to have a specific analysis of the energies and have better ideas about how to deal with that.

To repeat, no matter the main year number, each one have their own ways to deal with that and a personal path.
This 2017 year will be again a strong example to deal and observe.

The Numbers for 2017

In the numerology 2017 will be a number 1 but this time, not only a simple number 1.

In my vision this year is a pure number 10 (2+1+7=10 an then 1 + 0 = 1) and this add a lot to events and powers related to world events under the western calendar.

Note as in numerology, we sum all digits until get a result. For some years we'll get for example (19 so 1 + 9 = 10 and only then 1 + 0 = 1). But some at some years we have a direct 10 at the first sum result and this is the difference. In this example, I would study the 19, not the 10.

A pure 10 is a powerfull number for any enterprises, at any area. Be personal, companies, countries, etc.

This means I pay special attention to a pure number 10.
The previous one was 2008 (2+0+0+8=10). Just remember how many global changes happened and the results of that we see until today. Many companies and countries even recovered or was able to deal with the changes because that time. See the comments about the spiral of evolution later to get more about this.
We usually see comments about the numbers 1 to 9. But there are some specials. And the number 10 is one of that.

Let’s comment first the basic aspects of the number 1. This is what most people will get.

The 1 means action. To make. To do.
And the number 1 is the start of a new cycle.
What new cycle and action have in common? A new cycle is a movement, the initial step that need to be continued. So this means action.
In general, the 1 is a new cycle of events and related to the learnings of the previous year, always a number 9 when we had plans do make, choices to complete.

Things start at the number 1 and grown each year until the 9 and energy will change the way each personal aspect and life events receive different energies and also change perceptions about the multiple life’s aspects.
For sure new beginnings can be changes in life as the previous are complete or reached the point for a new goal.
Is always good to re-evaluate your goals and this is a good time for this and act.
Sometimes what is needed is to face your fears and change the way you see that.

The same way the number 1 is very positive, due the action power, it also have a negative aspect: to be unable to act, let fears take control even become rigid and this is something that can last for a long if not changed.

So the first idea is about a year about acting and for new beginnings. Finish with the old behind and continue for evolution.

Action At All And With All!

Plan A
Image by Essa Al Mazroee - United Arab Emirates
Now some about action in my point of view.
I repeat often, I'm not a scholar. I'm a practitioner.
For sure I read a lot, search a lot of antique material, even do a lot of research to decode ancient practices.
I just have not "that" patience to make all that compilations and write nice academic works.
I write the same way I speak in public. As needed, I go after some source to cite, but nothing more most of times.
I like to be in the front area, working, acting. I'm a kind of warrior.
I'm glad to see how many fantastic works our modern scholars have presented.
And the ones I respect more are working really hard in the practice too. 
It's just a matter of choice.
One and other time you will find a text of mine a bit more at that level. But it's rare.
I realy love to find the energy moving, to be at any time and at each day working.

Salute the new day, care of home and pets while doing a prayer, talk to neighbors and seeing how to help on their needs, observe how the clouds are moving and calling some deities about it, taking the needed time for university lessons, preparing material for a ritual, commenting to some people about how to deal with this or that, doing your job. All this is action!

Whatever you do daily to to improve your life is action!

See, just to repeat the same is just keep the same.
Work to do it better!
I do my bread for three decades and I'm not satisfied! I'm not a good cooker. Because this sometimes I have a needed rest and buy ready bread. Then after a time, I get the work again, study what I'm doing wrong and move again to do a better bread.
Most of of times I do a very good bread, but sometimes that's goes wrong. And some goes very wrong! LOL...   So I work to see what I changed to make it better.
I'm not after a bread of acceptable quality as most do. This is easy, just repeat the same recipe and never try something new.

Get this? Just to repeat is not action. That is only simple repetition.
I'm not after that!

Just to repeat is the same as never learn and never have a real action!

If you want a real result, your action must start at 100% as I learned in the 90s.
You need commitment as a main part of life and spirtual development.
You must action by yourself, never because someone.
The only real commitment is with your own development, your own spiritual evolution. 
That is all counts in life.

The difficult thing is to value this and who maintains their commitment.
Many large companies lose their best employees every day because of this.
Thanks for the comments I had received in years from people of value, yes, I really did all those things spoken in the lectures and a lot more one and other time I cite about the fantastic experiences I had.
I'm not after fashion social aspects nor Harry Potter fantasy tales.

What you have to get is the action energy to reach the real goals you pointed.

How Jupiter would appear at our horizon.
Art by Ron Miller - National Air and Space Museum’s Albert Einstein Planetarium.

What are your goals?

This works the same way in magic and for any area in life.

A common phrase we see a lot, is "all fingers point to the Moon".
But why the Moon as you can point your fingers to any planet and star?
You may be serious to point and do all the needed action to reach your goal!

The fingers are not important. What matter is the goal!

This is again the energy you got from this 2017 year, a number 1 presenting lots of opportunities to grow your life acting to reach higher levels.

And here about scholar work.
They do a great job, be sure.
I repeat, thanks to all the good scholar ones and more to all the good practitioners ones!

But to be in the working area, to be a practitioner after results is not the same as just being a scholar or a simple airmchair one. 

There's the needed theory and the more needed practice.
We are part of the whole magic world. 

Even the best scholars I know who also are practitioners can't assure results in magic.
I knew fantastic cookers who did even a bread very wrong, like mine! And be sure they are people I fully respect.
This is why as anything in life, nobody can assure results in magic!
It's impossible!
We deal with our own aspects plus all the others people events.

Citing Aleister Crowley "Every man and every woman is a star".
We are around a very small star, our Sun. 
Think we have billions plus billions of stars and galaxies just in the visible area. Each one is so diferent going to the most absurd level of our humble idea about the Universe.
Think the energy the people far away, around the giant stars may have!

Just think on this: we are part of a small solar system, in the remote border of this Galaxy.
Now think there are places in the Universe where the lowest energy they know is what we see as being the most sublime Love.
For sure there are placer even darker than here, but let that out as the most evil idea is far away from that.

Action is a power to increase, develop, to make.

Work to do!
Act using all your learnings each day to make it better.
Act to study and discover new horizons!
Act to be free and someday, you really become a true Star in this universe!

Now let's comment some aspects of the number 10.

As a kind of primary master number, the 10 means an entire cycle happening at once.
We have the power of the number 1 for "to do".
The number 10 is the big action, the enterprise level of events at any area.

To make it simple, a cooker with the number 1 will learn to do good food, even will have a restaurant. But a cooker with the number 10, will create a food company, or became a master chief even with a network of good restaurants.
A musician with a number 1, will learn to play well and be a good musician. The number 10 will become a great maestro or make new music style.

For sure there many other ways the combination of different numbers in the personal numerology will also result in big works. This is just one.

When the number 10 happens, it brings more power to drastic changes, big inventions, large steps ahead at any area.

This will be a year for big events, big works happenings. For good or bad.

And big works won't be invisible.
We'll see big companies growing due good products the same way we'll see other big companies going into big disasters. Both sides of the same energy.

The ones with big tasks todo will face a lot of such events. Not all good, not all bad and many in the middle area.

A negative aspect of the number 10 in a personal numerology is this can even lead lack of scruples. Which means that some will use this energy to achieve great results regardless of who they are going to harm and how they did it.

In a global scale, the same negative aspect will be working at some big shit happening. 

But again, none of this will be invisible. Big names will be exposed due the good or bad acts.

The Spiral of Evolution

The ideas of the numbers 1 and 10 are related with life cycles too.
There are many cycles in life. The wheel of the year, the seasons, the personal life, our planet moving around the Sun, etc.

The idea of doing something must be with the intent of complete the task.
And doing a task is a minor cycle as part of others major cycles. 

If you go to the school, each year is a cycle while the complete degree is a major cycle.
If you have bad results at the final exams each year, you may repeat all that again until you are able to level up to the next level until you finish the course.

For sure there are many types of cycles, some last seven years, others like the numerology is just 10 years, others are the centuries, etc.
The most visible is the annual cycle of life.

Another interesting example, is the seven years cycle of life:

People at the ages:
  • 0-7 are babies. 
  • 8-14 are children. 
  • 15-21 are teenagers. 
  • 22-28 become adults. 
  • 29-35 are mature. 
  • Then the cycle start again but in my point of view with a difference. The cycle start at children level: So at 36-42 they become children again and want explore everything as new. 
  • 43-49 they become again teenagers. Just remember the famous 40's crisis. Due the same reason, is very common to many women at this phase to be very closer to thir daughters about men, sharing clothes and even disputing atention from guys. 
  • 50-56 a new adult time when people create and are very productive. 
  • 57-63 the second mature phase. 

Here things change again, and the new cycle start at teenager's time!
  • So 64-70 is common at some places such people just wanting to be very social. Parties and all that stuff. 
  • 71-77 to become adult again.
And so on.
For sure, the previous idea add life experience at each level. And as noted, at each new level, that start one point following the sequence until at final, the only repeating is the mature level.

Do the work or you will have it again!

Not all people pay atention why some events in their lives appears to repeat.
A simple example is someone who jump from one love relationship to another and have the same kind of relation as before. Such people didn't learned and still keep after the same type of people.

When you complete a cycle, if you have not changed nor leraned, this means you will be at same level as before.

With no evolution, after some time events will just repeat, again and again.

But when people learn, grown, change their lives for better, they will level up, so after a time, when the cycle reach the same point they will be in an above level, and this makes the cycle become a evolutive spiral moving upwards.

Note, you still will be near the same places, but looking from a higher point of view. This is learning and developing conscioussness.

The previous two examples makes better to understand about the importante of doing and being responsible for your own acts.

Note: some people may fall in life. What they choose to do will lead for a decreasing spiral. This is not related to life concerns, but with the prsonal learnings and choices in life. Such ones at end of each cycle will fall more and more. Usually they are the ones who seek the evil in life and work only for destruction. I won't discuss such ones more.

New cycle, work to level up!

So the most important energy for a new cycle is to make, moving up!
So a number 1 year presents lots of opportunities do changes, start new activities, complete at once the previous and move forward.

This means power to strong transformations at all areas, personal, science, politics, economic, etc.

And due the power of the number 10 this add the idea on the upward spiral cited above.
The ones who level up, will have a wide vision, from a higher point of view. This is why many will comment this is a year for more spiritual awareness and development.

But remember I cited before about mixing of practices.
So at the same time many people will work more and better for spiritual development, at the same time, some will be mixing practices and instead of real growing, they will creating more confusion and the results won't be as the expected.

The more important is to know your own resources and develop yourself to make better decisions and act with a clear view about your life and the others.

Actions in this number 10 will be many times very strong.
So we can expect drastic events resulting from people and even governs works.

As we had many global changes in 2008, be sure many will be happening, but this will be different.

Many changes will happens like at once, but if you remember the cycles, and observe the previous events, you will find many of them was presenting to happens while others will be like decisions done under pressure.
The number 1 is not a "think so much" number. Is an "action" number. This is why many acts will appears to be choosen in an instant. And many will be so.
This is a reason for the importante of some spiritual development and to the people in the higher levels to pay more atention to others.
In no ways this means normal people may become a monk, each people have a personal path. Just will be very good for both sides pay atention to others.

With a bit of care, we'll see many progress, but at the same time, lower levels may be so closer due blind fast acts.

So is better to remember about the spiral of evolution and work the best at your own area to improve what you do, developing counsciousness and increasing life quality.

Use the energy and Go! 



domingo, 17 de julho de 2016

Memory versus Learning

Memory versus Learning

From times to times I meet someone who is very proud to know by head a lot of information.

But how much this is usefull?

This is an article where I do a mix about corporate software development and the occult study areas as I have told for some years, I found my work to be a whole at all.

Ok. If your company dislike because I love to walk at mountains and nature places there's no problem. People have personal lives. And my work as any other professional worker is what I do for life and to help companies growing.But personal interests are not of your business most of times and we observed any skilled talents in the market have other areas of interest to add to their experience and skills.

So we have a lot of information we receive in life, plus all training and experiences. This is what make us reach levels of expertize and being able to solve our work needs.

So there are many levels. Some will do only the basic, others will be able to work alone, others will be able to create and to do. Some others will lead and teach others. And few will reach the "wisdom level".  Each company need all of them.

I fully agree with this quote cited as being from Einstein:
Never memorize something that you can look up.- Albert Einstein"
Here is the comment about at the site Brightdrops:
"This is more true today than it was back in Einstein’s time, because the Internet means you can look just about anything up. That frees the mind from having to memorize useless facts and figures and explore deeper thoughts that require creativity and imagination, two things that Einstein prized above all else. It’s true that even some of the most successful business people followed this strategy. Henry Ford was once questioned about how smart he was and retorted that he could get the answer to any question with just the push of a button, so why did he have to know it?"

My comments:

For sure at school and university and some level exams you need to know for each area, a lot of information. 
And for times ahead, for example, if you chose an area like Medicine. A doctor must know a lot of principles related to so many areas and be able to identify the most symptoms as fast as possible.

One way to do it is often review your study and reread even old books. Our memory is a machine and need be oiled, Ok? So is very good to add new material, but also give a look even at some very basic materials. And as a book lover, I had many old books I reread sometimes.

Uhm, well, that is what we expect from most doctors and the really good ones can do it. 
But not all times. The purpose is to understand the information you get and develop your own expertise.

With time you have to be able to know how to use it. Keep what is important, have the main principles and understand what is needed to develop it.

Even the character Dr. House from the TV series who was really brilliant needed to search for information. 

My "uncle" Mr Spock was so brilliant but many times had researched for information too. Star Trek fans will remember he was too often at the computer researching, but other times at his personal place meditating and working on yourself.

Ok. There are the information needed and at what is needed to know about to deal with it. 

To me, the important is not how much information you can keep at mind ready to call it at once.

The important is if you is able to use it. To know how to use it!

Even some occult orders appears to pay atention to how much information you can have at mind.
Uhm, Ok, for sure the good ones have people skilled to just talk with someone and to be able to see who is who.

But what the difference this have to any professional area?

To me, none.
For companies, a leveled professional must talk with someone skilled for just few minutes for a match. No stupid basic school test as some still does. Most of times that is rude.

Sorry friends at any of such groups as I've been able to talk with any people at any of my work areas in respectful ways at all levels.

What some are looking for? 

I'm sad to comment, I had talked with so many people who work in a way to make sure their companies will broke soon.  They do not look for a wide scene.

Ok, about to know. A simple example: you may know how to do a very nice better barbecue? Great!!! Please, invite me, I'm a very bad at cuisine!

Anyways, I still know the theory about how to make the fire and the meat, but most of you just are better at the cuisine. LOL...

Yes!!! Just because I like a barbecue this in no ways means I have to be so good doing it!

Barbecue done in a typical south Brasil way."Churrasco".

Information is only data. Useless without the expertize for practice. 
A scholar is someone who love research. A scientist, some skilled software developers, a medicine doctor and many others.

And many scholars don't know all that information by head!
Get this? If you visit a scholar at work most for sure you will see a lot of books for reference opened around. Just for curiosity, now I have nine books plus printings and notes around me I'm using this week. Plus usually a dozen tabs opened at the internet browser for references I'm looking for. They will be back to the stand but next day I get more up the tables.
A reason we love libraries!

So well, why I became a writer?

For sure not because I know everything by head!

I use to say I become a writer because I don't like to remember too much things, no matter the expertise I may develop on it. 

And why? Just because I know where I can find the information I need.

I may write about computer development work, a fantastic fiction tale or something about the occult or my experiences on human development. 

What I really need is to know what to do. Dot.

Despite some capability to write since early age, my first formal article came to public only in 1986.

It was a ten pages article for for a local Computerworld journal (The DataNews Journal), about advanced software development of online systems (CICS/VS) for IBM mainframes. A high level technology and was ten pages at first. Wow! Guess how I felt! And the publisher did a lot on the Ads... LOL... 

But how I started that about writing? 
Just doing what I do almost all days since I remember. I always used to read a lot and was saving information and taking notes about my study. 
How many people goes to the bathroom with a 300 pages computer manual or an occult book? I was one since the 70s.  
And there was a lot of big books to study. Not only one, but usually a dozen each with 300-400 pages to read just for one area. And the need for practices few have did. 
Any  coincidence with occult area? Just to cite as you become better at some area, this will help to the others areas too. Need discipline and practice.

Computers to me always was related with the occult. And no mysticims about.  Just is something you need to go deep and try a lot, have errors and learn from that.

Both areas goes deep into realms with a wide knowledge to explore. 
And you can use your imagination to develop a personal method to work.

For sure I have a lot of processed information in my brain, but I have no memory about working only by head in life, but always working with all much I was using at time plus the need for references. 

And may be you do not know, astronauts who went to the moon had manuals to use all the time. They was real heros!
I remember to see photos of the Nasa people, all the team, doing trainings seated at the floor, not nice rooms, they was on extreme pressure and have to get the information as soon as possible, and put it in practice.
Just to remember, most of photos you will find about that missions had most seniors professionals, working hard, not only fashion teens as we see at many company profiles.

Apollo astronauts learning to survive in the depths of the Panamanian jungle.
Source: psyched4sport

Learning about the jungle is very related with many practical aspects of business. Are you able to continue despite the worst troubles?

So I found at some time, I had so many information collected to become an article and started to publish. This is how it started. Collecting notes. And I never stopped.

The result from that article was interesting. I received a lot of letters from all major companies in my country while my boss (who had a copy of the journal in his desk) tryed to ignore it because he knew my salary was not so good... (LOL...) and used to recognized me after being called due costumers... I was a big reference in the market that time....  
Funny but true. 

Ok, I was not after his aproval. The first is my own. And a hundreds of good ones had returned too.  

This have happened to my softtware professional area and at the occult areas.

Remember, I use to say I see my work very related to all these areas. Human kind evolution and computers.
Sometime we will have a development level very advanced. Many are just Sci-fi for now. 

I'm not against yours approval of this or that.

A main point if you have a work you know to be true and work for it. 

Not all people will agree with you. 
And many will question what you are doing in all possible ways. 

And the first way I point all times is: I'm not a scholar! I'm a practictioner! 

What your company pay atention for? To know or just only know the current fashion tool? 
To just obbey orders or have oppinions to create and make your company grown?

There's not much difference using tools from centuries or the internet fashion tools. 

You must to know what to look for!

Juan Manuel Fangio
A guy who really knew how to do it.

Sorry people, I won't appears in a chat and be ready to talk by mind an entire text from an old grimoire or whatever on technology. 
Nor I will be able many times to present by head a work about a computer software among dozens I've worked. But I can talk by myself at any time and if I have few hours to get into something new or not it may surprise you.

I work to learn and develop about how to do it at my areas!

I love Juan Manuel Fangio as a big example. 
This guy had not automatic machines. He driven F1 cars in brute. No computers. No fantastic machines. Just a man and the tool he chose.

This guy for life, until dead, received each week visitors, the best pilots of the world, and guess for what? Just because he was knew as being a Master in his work. The most famous pilots came into him to learn and give respect. In practice, he worked his entire life. 

I will repeat this to so company leaders: Juan Manuel Fangio was visited until his dead by people who came to learn with him how to drive. They never was against the tools. 

If you pay atention for the tools only, you are ready to become a looser

Like a company where they only goes after costs. They will broke soon for sure. 

Creativity, being produtive is the first. 
Never, but never about having some information by head. 

You must to know how to use it.. 

Any good pilot will be ready to learn and drive a machine. Get this company managers? A decent professional must know what to do. The tool is only the way we may use.

So I will be able to comment at instant about how things work. 
If I need a phormula, I know where to get it. 
At internet times we have lots of sources. One must be able to filter all bulshit, find the best forums, and for sure, look for the best authors and books. 

When it is some tool I have not worked, I will be ready to recognize what I need to follow on that. 

This is Learning. 

I don't pay a f*ck if someone only know the current computer software tool. This is not so different from dozens I had used in deep for years. 

Remember when Nokia had to admit they lose their creativity near to broke? Hummm?? I had an article in 2009 about intrusions on people life many years before that is a critical reason to loose profesionals. A senior manager commented in public article to prefer hiring a criminal instead a smoker so I had to comment about some human and company aspects. Real talents have a real life. But if your company chose a raper, a murder or any other criminal because dislike someone personal interest, well, pay the price and I really wish that won't affect your family. Or better, remember you have a family. 

And going into the occult, want to learn another Grimoire area? What you need to follow? The Great Art is also named The work of God. This means standarts to follow, discipline, brain work, not became a saint, Ok? 

Why real good creative people does not want to work at your company? 

I suggest you to read this fantastic Aaron Shapiro's article, and it is very up to date to any area where talent is needed: Why Digital Talent Doesn’t Want To Work At Your Company.

And if this is about occult, there are a lot to do, and I will follow that for the needed time.

Memory is good to immediate needs, like the ceremonial rituals you are working for many time. 

But just to know phrases by head never, but never is the same as to know how to deal with that. 

I'm always far aways from the ultimate goal,

But I'm always sure about what I want to do and with some decent idea about how it can be done and most of all, be ready to discover a new way for that!

Want to grow your business? Grow your mind!


quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2016

Guaranteed: Multiply Your Chances of Winning the Lottery - Humor

Guaranteed: Multiply Your Chances of Winning the Lottery

Wealth and magick can be good humored.

Note: This is a humor topic, Ok? But with some serious comments about.

There are a lot of speculation about methods for winning in the Lottery. 

So I will share with you a fantastic and garantee way to multiply your chances!

What about receive at once the money to buy a dream house, the car you always wanted, pay your bills, place your children at the best universities and give to your family a better future? 

This can be yours!

I will teach you by free!
Yes! As a long time magician I learned a lot, suffered a lot, had a lot of deep experiences. 
And for sure, as a magician I'm not a millionaire, I just use this method and let the Universe work to choose when it will be

So I know a lot about things that work! 

And this proposal works to multiply your chances! 

And why I can assure you this?
Because I had the practice and also, I learned from others too!
Note: A very good work about, and I suggest you to read is the article from Brother Moloch: Lotto & Gambling Spells. He give more information about what are your real chances and how it work. It is a great work about magick and Lottery, and he give some extras about how increase your luck and that are suitable to many areas. Highly recommended.

So I have to share this with you!

Not everyone want to become a millionaire, they just are looking for some extra money.
And even lesser values can do a difference for sure.   

What about some extra money at once? 
Most people want it!

What about have the money to give to your lover a nice jewerly or have vacations at the some of the best places in the world with your family? Or give to your dad that wonderfull machine he always wanted? Or make your mom happy with a complete new garden? 

Whatever are your dreams, winning a Lottery prize is always a way to realize it! 

House at Lago Moreno, Bariloche - Argentina
Photo credit: Zonaprop

First of all, you must have clear in yout mind this is a dream a lot of people have.

So remember this is like a dream, no problem to think about one and other time. The problem is to get lost into dreams and forgot reallity.

But some minutes of positive dreaming is a way many people discovered to think what they really want in life.
When people think clear about what they want, many discover they can do a plan, and work step by step to reach it. This is one way.

But when chance smile to you.... Wow!  You are one in millions! A big prize!
A big house with a private playground, boats, hot cars, travels of dream, the best clothes, support charity groups, have your own farm or even a temple for your practices!

Well, for sure many of this this can be yours if you win a big prize in the lottery.

So I learned a fantastic method to multiply my chances!

And guess what? It works!

Most of the ancient grimoires and most magick areas have spells to better your luck on gambling.

But what was gambling that old times? Dice games?

Something a minor group of people played together. Too often half a dozen.
So that techiniques work best for minor groups.

But when millions of people are after the same? What is your true chance?

Can magick help you?

Well, I can asure this method will help you!

Magick can do many things, but some magical works are just the result of planning and acting!

Well, sorry to say, but on thousands of people are doing spells each week trying the same.

This is simple statistics!

And because this, is really hard to say there's a magick way to multiply your chance. 

So, the best you can do is to use math to increase your chances!

Yes, use statistics to improve your chance! 

And here is the best of all!

No candles, no rituals, no pyramids!

Ok, Here is the method: 

First, if you want to have a chance, you must buy a ticket!
This is the first reason most why people got delusional and lose their mind into dreams, they just never buy that fucking lottery ticket!

But if you want to use this fantastic method, I say, if you really want multiply your chance, for example by 100%, just buy two tickets! (with different numbers for sure).

Get this?

Money is good! 

And when you use your money for good things, all that is good too!
And the best way is to do a good use for your money.

So just buy an extra ticket and all it's done.

And if you win, that is grace! 
And please, remember to save some 10% for true charity, not looking for who and remember doing true charity. 

So buy an additional ticket wil double your chance! But don't be stupid buying thousands because that won't change statistics so easy.

Make a Daemons ritual for that? OK!

There are some reference here and there, many not reliable, but even so, people ask for it.
I can do a ritual for you, calling the Daemons related to money.
Be sure this will be done only for your behalf. The results will be something like to help you to have inspiration when you buy your bet. To be clear, you won't receive a fantastic image before your eyes showing what numbers or something else pointing what is the best to chose.
This may work for some six months only.
I will do the same as any former rituals, this is a serious work, in practice, I do some repeats at the first week to assure the spirits got it.
But nothing more and do not write me again. Just wait to the results you may or not get.
As I'm under serious risk of receiving a serious backfire at once because the daemon may dislike such idea, I have to bill very serious for sure. I won't get a risk because you. 
The values for such operation are high, 3 to 4 digits and in no way I will refund it.

And When Luck Comes...

If luck come to you, I wish you have nice and wise ways to use it!

Even for something you desired since you was a children.
