English readers and other languages: Many posts are in portuguese, you can use the Translate button at left side.

Clique nas imagens dos artigos! Elas levam você para o site do artista que a criou e muitas
vezes tem assuntos relacionados ou outras imagens para expandir seus horizontes!

Loja - Store - Itens a Venda

Like the others this is a full resolution work, not a simple scan bitmap.

Store - For Sale
Itens a Venda

I have some itens you may find interesting with a very reasonable price.

This helps to continue my work.

For any request, contact directly one of the mentioned below.

RedBubble - US company, has international distribution.

DursoCamisetas - Company from Brazil, also has international distribution.

Notes - READ THIS: 
For sure, you must add your own effort. Magick results come from your homework, not just miracles without effort.
The magic tools is a professional work for serious users. So, please, do not ask me for spells, rituals or how to use this work.

Sizes for the Circles and Tringles: 

Check the various size and models options available. (Click at Available products). The largest available is in "Wall tapestry" in the "Large" size that is about 2m.

Circles for the Books of Moses

The two Circles to work with the 6th and 7th Books of Moses at high-res redrawn and some minor adjusts at names positions. See the Wall Tapestry version for bigger sizes.

 Seals and Planetay Spirits

Seven Great Princes Circle

This is a full resolution work.


The Goetia Circle is a full high-res drawn I made based on the sources bellow as as a result of my own work with the Goetia for years.

This is the classic circle design, not that Mathers/Crowley version (so, no colors)

Sources I used to make this version:
Ms Sloane 2731 – Clavicula Solomonis – British Library Manuscript collection
Ms Sloane 3648 – Clavicle of Solomon – British Library Manuscript collection
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) – Joseph Peterson at Esotericarchives.com

Classic Goetia Circle

Like the others this is a full resolution work, not a simple scan bitmap.

Goetia Circle - Mathers & Crowley version
Full redraw and corrected

For long time people has asked for a version of the Goetia circle presented by S.L. “MacGregor” Mathers & Aleister Crowley.
We already knew about questionings due some errors even at the original source, so this took a long time of research to check as much as possible to fix the problems.
Most of versions you see around are just a scan or a bad copy from old images, with low quality and people has no care for what they was doing.

Both Mathers and later Crowley versions has errors to fix, nothing extreme but with time and bad copies, that increased a lot to some absurd we see at internet.
Here I did a full Hebrew checking as far as possible too.

Goetia Circle - Mathers & Crowley version.

This is a full resolution artwork.

Humble Version of the Goetia Triangle: 

I made a more simple available in printed format at Scarf (fabric) and Wall Art versions, but fully working ones, just consecrate it.
There are two versions:
  • Triangle with the Greek names.
  • Triangle with the Hebrew names.

(The talismans at now are only for Brazil.)
Talismãs Angélico /Planetários

Se você está apenas interessado em obter talismãs de poder angélico /planetário para ajudar em situações da sua vida, vá diretamente para essa Página de Talismãs Angélico / Planetários.

Also there are some T-shirts I did. See more models at the site.
Planetary spheres

Livro na Amazon (portuguese text)

Chegando no Amor. E-book. Um pequeno livro sobre amor.  (Amazon).

Este é um livro que fala sobre Amor. Muitos livros falam sobre regras e métodos. Mas aqui, o autor fala apenas sobre o amor entre duas pessoas e um pouco mais sobre esta energia que a tudo move.  



Readings and Magic Works - English text

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text
