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Photo: Gina Blank - Canada |

Do Thick Salt Bath or Herbal Bath Over Your Head?
How to make a big mess just because a bath or an incomplete cleanup.
Portuguese resume: "Banho de Sal Grosso ou ervas pode e deve ser feito incluindo a cabeça. A estória sobre fazer só do pescoço para baixo é só repetição de algo que é para sacerdotes formalmente iniciados em religião africana. Se você não é de alguma religião destas (ou apenas frequenta mas não tem assentamentos de Orishas/Lwas), faça seu banho tranquilo. E depois faça um banho com ervas para fortalecimento das areas desejadas".
Versão em Português disponível neste link (clique):
Fazer Banhos de Sal-grosso ou Ervas sobre a cabeça?
Spiritual baths are used in almost all traditions.
To start I took as an example the very popular Thick Salt Bath.
Most of this applies to other baths types too.
Such baths have in basic one or more of these purposes, I just made a simple resume, not complete but that gives an idea:
Cleaning baths:
- Remove negative energy.
- Banish some negative spirits and/or astral larvae.
- Cleanup part of the negative influences due to curses/magical attacks.
- Neutralize some aspects due to diseases.
- To empower your body and soul.
- Keep away energies and spirits.
- To make strong your barriers.
- Attract positive energy (love, health, wisdom, wealth, etc).
- Add the needed energy aspects. For example, some baths are good for mediumship or dreams.
- Add protection power to body and soul.
- Add specific powers like planetary aspects due to proper correspondences.
- Become in tune with some desired energies.
- Healing.
- Protection.
There are some similar results while washing your house/office with herbs or smoking with herbs for cleanup or attract desired energies.
For sure I won’t discuss doing cleanups at large buildings, offices, or land areas like farms. There are many other practices proper to such places, that need more power. But even so, the basics are related, so you will have an idea about what is to be done.
What is the Thick Salt Bath?
What is the Thick Salt Bath? It’s just a cleanup, most for electronic type energy and low-level spiritual energies including astral larvae. Start with the idea of the purifying aspects of the salt, plus the simple electronic results it has over any energy.
A salt bath is just a cleanup, not selective, to remove any energy, bad or good.
Such a bath is very popular just because it’s used when people feel they are at bad times and need a cleanup of the bad aspects of life.
Many people use to do a sea bath at the New Year celebrations as cleaning too.
You must get this: a Thick Salt Bath is not a banishing against strong spirits. Such cases need more to be done.
Many of such baths may have a prayer part, most used by formal magicians and people who work in spiritual areas.
On another side, the common, “normal” person just is after a bath to clean up the bad and they just think about to attract the good energies into their lives.
But the salt only removes and clean, so you need to do a second bath later to attract the good energies.
A classic example used by many ceremonial magick practitioners is the Solomonic Bath, that uses consecrated water and salt, a lot of prayers, and sometimes some herbs:
“…Enter the bath once again, recite Psalms 104 and 81 and pour the water over your head several times....”
from: The Solomonic Bath – Aaron Leith
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If you do not have a bathtub, you can use a bucket. Yes, this is water with an ice bath, and is a good spiritual bath too! |
The problem
Too often I see people cite about doing cleanup baths and add a “warning” to not pour that over your head.
I fully disagree. Who are they? Do your herb or salt bath without fear from head to toes.
Such baths are part of the many ways for a spiritual cleanup, to remove bad energy, banish spirits, protection, or just to attract good energies into your life.
To be clear: as cited above there are baths to remove energies and the same there are baths to get energies.
And to be very clear: having a bath in a clear fall in the mountains, or in a stream, or a rain bath, including your bathtub or shower, also have spiritual capabilities for cleanup!
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Source: Spiritualjapan |
Even clear water is a cleanup or empowering bath if properly used. To be clear, do a prayer and consecrate the water.
It’s just a bath to make it simple. But with additional effects.
And many of that work near in the same way as doing smoking with herbs.
To repeat, some will banish energies and some will attract energies.
And for sure there are rituals to do from the basic to even more complete cleanups.
Why some people say to not pour the bath over your head?
Most of them do not know why. They are just repeating like parrots. Someone told, or they read at any magazine, etc.
The most popular source for this idea in the western countries is because of a mixing of practices with some from ATR (African Traditional Religions).
The idea presented is because the head is a kind of “property” of some spirits of those religions, the Orishas, Lwas, or someone else. Some use a different word, but still, the idea is “property”. Some even forbid their members to have a simple bath at the sea! Yes, you can’t swim in the ocean!
If you are not a formally initiated member of such religions that in no way to forbid washing your head apply for you. Dot.
If anyone even cites some "study" about not washing head, be sure until today 100% of times I went after the original sources and confirmer it was some of such religions. Dot.
Some religions say you can’t eat pork. Others say cows are sacred. Others are vegans and etc.
Each area has its practices.
So keep yours, just respect others the same way they have to respect you.
If you are a client at some of those areas for sure be respectful, but they also must respect you too. That is their practice, their faith, not yours. You are not forced to enter into a religion if you are just a client.
You have to go after the information too. Look for more sources.
For sure I respect the good and serious priestess and priestesses. I'm a Babalorixa at Candomble ("father of saint", just a formal priest), so this is my opinion.
I just had too many bad experiences and knew so much bad corrupt ones to learn and think more about what may be or not to be right. And be sure this happened in other areas I work for decades.
Do not act blindly! If you do not receive a very clear and decent clear reply from spiritual mentors, or even become treated due asking, get out fast!
"No true spiritual ally, like a true friend in the land of the living, should treat you as a pet. Either they serve you or you're equals. - Gordon Finn”
from the Ritual Offerings book.
This is something simple and is part of all I wrote about the risk of mixing practices for the Ritual Offerings book. The part I wrote is related to many other magical areas too. There are many ways to opportunists spirits (and the charlatans) get control and feed from your life. 99% of what I wrote most ATR priestess won’t tell you. That’s my practical experience, I went deep in the darkest corrupt areas, I learned under blood and tears. So please remember there are the good ones who are serious and do good work. I'm just pointing the many traps.
The other problem as told above is the people who just repeat things like parrots about magick and spirituality. They become victims too, just are working blind in the magic/spiritual because they don't know what's really behind that.
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Holly Dip. A sadhu swings his head as he takes bath at Sangam in Allahabad. Photo: Jagran.com - India |
What may happens if you do not bath your head too?
To be simple, the bath will be incomplete and allow opportunists spirits to take you.
This is my opinion and experience for decades in many areas.
Just see how the Chakras, the points of energy in your body have a flow from the bottom up the head.
So, if you cut you head out of the bath, for sure the process is incomplete.
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The energy flow. Someone sees why I can't accept to do not wash your head? |
If you don’t bath your head, that important area becomes open to any intrusive spirits and energies.
One simple idea to compare is doing unsafe sex. Would you trust if someone you just found, want sex at the start without condoms, and even get furious if you question that?
Think about risks. Have safe sex and the same way, have safe religion and spiritual practices.
So if you are not a formally initiated member at such religions, and avoid doing a bath over your head because an idea that appears even a threat from an unknown source, guess what kind of spirit will find it very easy to find an opened door and take that space? Uhm? The bath will clean up the entire body, including any guardian for a time, and that space will be taken by any energies waiting safely in the head!
And more important: if you are not a formal initiated and do not wash your head with the baths because fearsome spirits, be sure that spirits won't be working to protect you. Forget the parrot's talk, all that is incomplete. In any area, the spirits only will start to do some if you start working with them and doing offerings and even worship. In some areas, this is the real purpose of telling you to not wash your head. A trap.
Higher spirits won’t destroy your life because of a bath.
The higher one's spirits mean to be powerful and able to keep some distance while you have needed care. If some of that causes harm to your life because this, be sure you are not in a good area, so is better to get out and move to a safe place.
And see later the comment bellow about a needed second bath after the cleaning with salt or herbs.
I fully keep my position about anyone who is not initiated at some religion. They have not to obey to some spirits that have nothing about their lives. The same if you eat pork, or like meat, is not a vegan, etc.
How baths work to make it simple:
If you do a cleanup (to remove energies), the only precaution is to remember if you have some kind of guardians. Just notify them so they will be apart for some time and return as you finished.
This is the same if you wash or smoke your house with herbs. Any spirit, angels, etc. will take distance. So if you have an altar, for example, be sure the spirits/angels of the altar will also take a safe distance. Just remember to notify your guardians or altar spirits about the cleaning you will do and after some hours, call them back as commented below.
In the drawing, I omitted any guardians just to make it more simple.
At the first, is an example of someone with all kind of bad energies, inside and outside.
The second is what happens if you do not pour the bath over your head. That is simple: any energies at head level, inside and outside can stay there and later, will feed on the fertile area resulting bellow. This is why I used a grass area as an example.
The third is an example of an optimum full bath. In practice, this is what is desired. To have a powerful cleanup and empowerment and get good energy around.
Also, to make it simple, the idea here is doing a clean up bath followed by an empowerment bath as cited next.
After the bath/cleaning remember to fill the place again
Once you had your bath or did a house clean up like smoke, etc., wait some few 3-4 hours so that have the needed effect and follow that with another bath or smoke with herbs to attract good energies.
Prayers are good too.
Get this? If it was a cleaning bath, just wait some 3-4 hours and do another bath, first just clean water to remove the salt and then bath with other herbs to attract the desired good energies.
As the cleaning salt/herbs bath can remove anything, so after you need to fill again the space with good energies.
And if you have guardians, altar spirits, etc., just light a candle, do a proper prayer, and offer incense or smoke the place with positive herbs calling them to come back to the place you pointed to them at your house and life.
Note: sometimes after the first bath, when the person is too heavy due to bad energies, the body will relax and need to sleep to rest. If this happens, is very Ok so have the needed sleep and then do the following bath.
This is the same basic idea for a general building cleaning. For sure these are other procedures and even stronger rituals to be done by a magician/priest. First, banish the undesired spirits, then make a powering rite and invite the protection spirits to care for the place.
About buildings and land areas, for sure there are some extreme cases, where exorcism is needed and some of that can be really hard to deal with. To be sincere, some places are near impossible to clean up again because is needed to negotiate with the spirits and what they ask may cost a lot, not just money for sure. So only mother nature will do that working for a thousand years.
What herbs use later for an empowering bath?
That varies a lot.
Since the generic ones to specific areas, we have a lot of herbs to use and the choice sometimes is related to what area the person needs more.
Some very easy herbs to find:
- Rose petals. For Spiritual and Love power.
- Bay Laurel. For the protection and good to connect with higher levels of spirituality like spiritual mentors.Is good for money too.
- Cinnamon. The body force, prosperity, money.
- Lavender. Peace and calm.
- Rosemary. Mind focus.
- Hyssop. Cleanup physical and spiritual, remove negative energy, and is also good for protection. See Psalm 51. You can use Mint in the same way.
You will find many herbs references. The important for the second bath is to look for herbs to attract energies, not the cleansing ones. Remember, the idea is to add desired energies.
And repeating always is good to do a prayer according to your faith for your spiritual mentors bless the baths you are doing.
To resume
A spiritual cleanup bath can't be seen as a sin.
There are the cleanups, the protective, and the empowering baths.
If you get all this, I’m sure some of you may start to think about some cases when people had done such baths not pouring the water over your head and times later had the same or even worse effects as before. For example, some spirits asking for offerings to keep out.
It's easy to find people who started doing simple things and later they had to do more and more other works, too often to solve problems they had not before.
The same for buildings/houses cleanups when people do the banishing and don’t add the needed protection rite after the cleaning.
Remember, an empty body or building or land area is a place to be filled.
So have control over your life and do a decent complete cleanup and follow that with a rite/bath to invite the desired good energy/spirits to care for that.
So just do the complete bath and add an empowering one after for a complete result
Get this? Simple, uhm?
So do your bath from head to toes without fear and later just do another one to get good energy.
A big full thanks:
In memory of "Uncle Neide Vilain", a famous witch from Florianópiolis, SC, Brazil who taught me a lot in so many areas, including about how using the bath salts. And she is responsible for makes me be a writer.
Additional reading suggestions:
- Banho de Ervas Muito Simplificado - A simplified version for the herbs bath following the most basic of the Solomonic. (Portuguese text, use Translate button).
- The Uncrossing Ritual - A great resource and lots of information by Brother Moloch.
- The Solomonic Bath – A complete review and step by step of this classic Grimoires procedure by Aaron Leith.
- Limpeza e Proteção da Casa com Banhos de Ervas.
Leia também:
Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon
Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text
Readings and Magic Works - English text
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