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"Paz e Bem". Author: Dirceu Francisco Villa Verde Filho - Brazil |
The Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Oração de São Francisco de Assis
A Powerfull Prayer For Personal Life and Even Companies
Sometimes I comment about St. Francis.
I see him as a great Shaman.
More than learning to talk with plants and animals, he was a master of the Elementals of Nature.
He became my St. patron when I received from His hands the initiation over the four elements in the 90s.
One night I was awakened to go to the meditation room and there were all that spirits and he was the one who presented Himself to guide the ceremony.
He was not a beggar as churches present. He was a very rich guy and able to deal with all the natural powers.
Just remember, before choosing the simple life, like the Gautama Buddha, St. Francis came from one of the richest families of the town and had all pleasures in life before. I say, all the pleasures. And he was a warrior for some time too, fights in battles, fun, sex, all that. He had everything before find he already had all the needed.
I was already deep in meditation and shamanic practices.
So all previous workings joined and I learned to work with the Peace Prayer.
In practice, this prayer is very recent and was just inspired by His work.
Some Uses To This Prayer:
I found it to be used as a kind of personal Alchemy practice.
A simple idea for Alchemy is to change your dark aspects into gold. Spiritual gold. Or just what is bad into something better.
My first suggestion is to study each phrase, and observe how it is related to the many life's areas.
It's not to repeat it. I strongly suggest you get all the meanings each verse has.
You can use it daily, or even as a mantra to change your mood and opens up to the natural powers around you.
This will change your point of view about what's happening in your life and to understand better other's points of view. And you will learn to feed on Nature.
How to use it:
The best is to be alone, but if not possible, keep quiet as possible.
But do the prayer using your voice.
Forgot telepathy. You must use your voice at any prayer as possible. (or learn to shout in your mind).
Even if you are in public, even so, you can use a clear as possible low voice.
This is something a lot of people and magicians didn't get: spirits (angels, demons, saints, etc) do not divine what's inside your head. Yes, forget any dreams experiences you had. Here you are the one putting energy into your intent. So, use your voice, even at low volume.
The best way for any prayer is when you do it with a sound. No scandals need for sure. Even if you have to talk with a low voice do it.
Working for a more formal ritual:
Like any other spirit, bring a candle and talk with your voice "I"m offering this to St. Francis".
Put a cup of clean water aside.
You can use standard size to seven days size candles with the cup of water aside.
Then do your prayer. Repeat it three to seven times as you feel.
As I told, this is like a personal Alchemy, so I wish maybe you get a different mood just while you are reciting the prayer. As most works, this is natural, so let's it happens and enjoy that time.
Prayer is a communion time, so have your time.
With time, such practices become a time to be silent. This is just meditation. Let it happens!
Then follow your daily activities.
After a time, at minimum, one day, throw the water in a natural place, better it is like the grass of wood area on the need for water. Just feed the nature! St. Francis fed the nature ones, remember this, so your ritual must help those ones too.
Doing offerings:
You can do offering to St Francis too. But never before an asking except for the cup of water you give and return to nature after.
Your need must be on His area of work, to improve life, feed the needed, change darkness into light.
A good offering to St. Francis, in my opinion, is always giving a sincere thanks and doing hidden charity!
When you feel you got your life changed the way you needed, no matter the size of the results (as this always have taught), you can do an offering to His work in this way:
Fist be sure He is not the one to receive it. He needs nothing. St. Francis works to the humble ones and nature. He works with others. So your offering is to the ones He cares.
Do an anonymous offering to the humble ones or the natural ones.
Do it as you can, and be sure nobody knows you are the one behind that. Charity always must be done anonymously.
There are two main ways for that. To do by yourself or pay for what you are unable to do.
I don't know how to sew, so I buy ready for clothes. And as I'm getting older, plus all I don't know how to do, some works I'm really unable to do, so I pay someone to do it. Then I choose people and pay well as these ones deserve and feel happy as they got a job.
Remember, some people, even skilled and humble, maybe under difficult times. So please, do the right thing. As an example, (sorry, I don't like to cite, but work here), someone asked a shameless cheap value for a work I was sure to cost three times more. So by myself, I paid three times more and refused the original price. One of many.
Please read this: to all people and anyone at magic/spiritual areas: Spiritual results it's not what you get. It's HOW you get it. The spiritual area is never, but never for opportunists!
Stick this: To be respectful of the spirits and the same way to get respect from them is the main aspect to get.
To people at the leadership at companies, this is something that will even save your business. Valuate who works for you!
At any of such events, that has to be like a sincere thanks.
If you want to know about offerings, learn to evaluate what you receive and how people and spirits work.
This is the idea, Uhm?
So for some offerings for St. Francis.:
First, working: have a real care of your garden, help to clean up your local park, a riverside, make your place a better and nice place to anyone's life.
Second, pay for what you can't do. Some people can't do the work due to a lot of reasons. So they use their money, and this means they had a serious effort to gain that money.
Starting with very simple examples, like make water supply with bows to street dogs, help feed poor families, water the nature plants at a public garden or even do a needed cleanup at such places, help someone who deserve to pay the college, give some wheelchairs (and be sure nobody knows who are you), etc.
Just make nature and other's lives beautiful without expecting a return!
This is why for companies, public works when they promote it, really add nothing at the spiritual levels, as that is just self-promotion while their owner's life keeps bad.
Charity always has to be in an anonymous way. Dot.
The moment you promote such acts, even with photos of your "charity", that became the opposite. For sure, not Karma, just you are showing to be an opportunist.
For Personal Work:
The prayer is good to have strength in difficult times. To get inspiration about how to use your current resources to improve your situation. For family harmony. To have more clarity about your own life and to understand yourself more. For support and spiritual strengthening in cases of illness. To improve your mood. For cases of anxiety.
For Personal Work in Nature:
Use the prayer to get in touch with the forces of nature and become more aware of the beauties of life.
For protection at nature. Please, do not try to hug bears! LOL...
Well, I had a strong spiritual experience in the mountains with a Puma so closer of my head to feed on me. But that was the only one in life experience. Do not try this! Such events happen was a fantastic spiritual gift.
As you recite the prayer to prepare and while you are into it, this is ideal for those who love nature and practice outdoor activities, such as trails in the woods (trekking), mountaineering, climbing, canoeing, exploration of natural areas, caves, etc.
This prayer will attract into you the Nature Powers. Be sure.
Regardless of your faith, this prayer works to change your soul and become like an invitation for the spirits and forces of nature to present themselves in all their wonders.
For sure I can't guarantee you will see fairies, but with time, you will be in the mood. I'm glad for dragonflies, butterflies, and birds coming so close. And some wonderful events even in shining mountains.
For photographers who want to learn how to capture an instant of time. That is, to learn to perceive life in all its aspects and get the beauty of it. This means, to be able to get the beauty in life. For any artistic activity that deals with life. Painting, sculpture, music, dance, etc.
Note for Dark artists and some famous photographers of the sadness: In my point of view, you are not collecting life, you after the dark, sad aspects. You do money with sickness. That is not life. This prayer is one of the many ways to change what you do and get Light the day you wish to change. Won't say names as they don't deserve it.
For the Work in Companies - Business:
The prayer is also for all who are in a position of command and leadership. Owners, directors, managers, etc. This will harmonize your relationship with people and especially the environment as you work on it. You will even become a better boss as you bring light into yourself. With constant repetition, this will strengthen your spirit.
Forget about to suggest this to someone at your business!
This prayer is ideal to be recited alone, before going to business meetings. And if you drink 3 cups of clean water together, this also adds the aspects of the water elements, about intuition and Light needed to improve meetings and get the needed insights and better results.
I already cited somewhere about the changes at a business meeting just by drinking 3 cups of water before a business meeting. Don't be worried about the need to piss. Everyone knows the good part of a business meeting needs only 15 minutes.
For employees, it helps to have a better understanding of their role, to have better relationships with colleagues, and to neutralize negative perception in difficult environments.
ATTENTION FOR COMPANIES: This is not like those methods some companies use a pay someone to talk about what you want. I'm not here to talk about what you want! This practice has to be totally voluntary, it can never be imposed by the company. That is, do it for yourself and only in positive cases, it can happen that someone became curious to know more, so in this case, only you can comment that you are using this prayer (or spiritual practice). But no miracles! OK?
This is teaching through examples. Be yourself a good example and over time, the very good energies of nature will work.
For Magicians, Sorcerers, Witches and Shamans Work
St. Francis as a Shaman, became one of those spirits with a powerful Egregore to work with.
Forget the church aspects of the poor.
Call Him and you will find a lot more.
Nature and people have needs. To be poor is not the same as having nothing, BUT that means to live with what one has.
St Francis works great as the previous examples, but He is also a great source to learning, guidance and helps when you have to deal to get Harmony and Healing in the previously cited areas.
It is very interesting the way he will work to bring such results too.
So you can evoke Him for help in the needed areas. Not like St. Expedite, but for human evolution as the main aspect.
Some information found on the internet:
The Origin of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis from: The Origin of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis by Dr. Christian Renoux, Associate Professor of the University of Orleans, France.
Original Text of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis: (French)
Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.
Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve,
c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.
Source: La Clochette, n° 12, déc. 1912, p. 285.
The popular English version:
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.
And this "Oratio Sancti Francisci" from www.preces-latinae.org
Domine, fac me servum pacis tuae,
ubi odium, amorem seram;
ubi iniuria, veniam;
ubi dubium, fidem;
ubi desperatio, spem;
ubi caligo, lucem;
ubi tristitia, laetitiam.
O Domine coelestis, concede mihi ut ne tam petam
consolari quam consolare,
intellegi quam intelligere,
amari quam amare.
Nam in dando recipimus,
in ignoscendo ignoscimur,
et in moriendo ad vitam aeternam nascimur. Amen.
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Peace Prayer of St. Francis Art by Veronica Berglind - USA |
Portuguese version:
In portuguese it's named as "Oração de São Francisco de Assis".
Senhor, fazei-me instrumento de vossa paz.
Onde houver ódio, que eu leve o amor;
Onde houver ofensa, que eu leve o perdão;
Onde houver discórdia, que eu leve a união;
Onde houver dúvida, que eu leve a fé;
Onde houver erro, que eu leve a verdade;
Onde houver desespero, que eu leve a esperança;
Onde houver tristeza, que eu leve a alegria;
Onde houver trevas, que eu leve a luz.
Ó Mestre, Fazei que eu procure mais
Consolar, que ser consolado;
compreender, que ser compreendido;
amar, que ser amado.
Pois é dando que se recebe,
é perdoando que se é perdoado,
e é morrendo que se vive para a vida eterna.
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