Memory versus Learning
From times to times I meet someone who is very proud to know by head a lot of information.
But how much this is usefull?
This is an article where I do a mix about corporate software development and the occult study areas as I have told for some years, I found my work to be a whole at all.
Ok. If your company dislike because I love to walk at mountains and nature places there's no problem. People have personal lives. And my work as any other professional worker is what I do for life and to help companies growing.But personal interests are not of your business most of times and we observed any skilled talents in the market have other areas of interest to add to their experience and skills.
So we have a lot of information we receive in life, plus all training and experiences. This is what make us reach levels of expertize and being able to solve our work needs.
So there are many levels. Some will do only the basic, others will be able to work alone, others will be able to create and to do. Some others will lead and teach others. And few will reach the "wisdom level". Each company need all of them.
I fully agree with this quote cited as being from Einstein:
“Never memorize something that you can look up.” - Albert Einstein"
Here is the comment about at the site Brightdrops:
"This is more true today than it was back in Einstein’s time, because the Internet means you can look just about anything up. That frees the mind from having to memorize useless facts and figures and explore deeper thoughts that require creativity and imagination, two things that Einstein prized above all else. It’s true that even some of the most successful business people followed this strategy. Henry Ford was once questioned about how smart he was and retorted that he could get the answer to any question with just the push of a button, so why did he have to know it?"
My comments:
For sure at school and university and some level exams you need to know for each area, a lot of information.
And for times ahead, for example, if you chose an area like Medicine. A doctor must know a lot of principles related to so many areas and be able to identify the most symptoms as fast as possible.
One way to do it is often review your study and reread even old books. Our memory is a machine and need be oiled, Ok? So is very good to add new material, but also give a look even at some very basic materials. And as a book lover, I had many old books I reread sometimes.
Uhm, well, that is what we expect from most doctors and the really good ones can do it.
But not all times. The purpose is to understand the information you get and develop your own expertise.
With time you have to be able to know how to use it. Keep what is important, have the main principles and understand what is needed to develop it.
Even the character Dr. House from the TV series who was really brilliant needed to search for information.
With time you have to be able to know how to use it. Keep what is important, have the main principles and understand what is needed to develop it.
Even the character Dr. House from the TV series who was really brilliant needed to search for information.
My "uncle" Mr Spock was so brilliant but many times had researched for information too. Star Trek fans will remember he was too often at the computer researching, but other times at his personal place meditating and working on yourself.
Ok. There are the information needed and at what is needed to know about to deal with it.
To me, the important is not how much information you can keep at mind ready to call it at once.
The important is if you is able to use it. To know how to use it!
Even some occult orders appears to pay atention to how much information you can have at mind.
Uhm, Ok, for sure the good ones have people skilled to just talk with someone and to be able to see who is who.
But what the difference this have to any professional area?
To me, none.
For companies, a leveled professional must talk with someone skilled for just few minutes for a match. No stupid basic school test as some still does. Most of times that is rude.
Sorry friends at any of such groups as I've been able to talk with any people at any of my work areas in respectful ways at all levels.
What some are looking for?
I'm sad to comment, I had talked with so many people who work in a way to make sure their companies will broke soon. They do not look for a wide scene.
Ok, about to know. A simple example: you may know how to do a very nice better barbecue? Great!!! Please, invite me, I'm a very bad at cuisine!
Anyways, I still know the theory about how to make the fire and the meat, but most of you just are better at the cuisine. LOL...
Yes!!! Just because I like a barbecue this in no ways means I have to be so good doing it!
Even some occult orders appears to pay atention to how much information you can have at mind.
Uhm, Ok, for sure the good ones have people skilled to just talk with someone and to be able to see who is who.
But what the difference this have to any professional area?
To me, none.
For companies, a leveled professional must talk with someone skilled for just few minutes for a match. No stupid basic school test as some still does. Most of times that is rude.
Sorry friends at any of such groups as I've been able to talk with any people at any of my work areas in respectful ways at all levels.
What some are looking for?
I'm sad to comment, I had talked with so many people who work in a way to make sure their companies will broke soon. They do not look for a wide scene.
Ok, about to know. A simple example: you may know how to do a very nice better barbecue? Great!!! Please, invite me, I'm a very bad at cuisine!
Anyways, I still know the theory about how to make the fire and the meat, but most of you just are better at the cuisine. LOL...
Yes!!! Just because I like a barbecue this in no ways means I have to be so good doing it!
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Barbecue done in a typical south Brasil way."Churrasco". |
Information is only data. Useless without the expertize for practice.
A scholar is someone who love research. A scientist, some skilled software developers, a medicine doctor and many others.
And many scholars don't know all that information by head!
Get this? If you visit a scholar at work most for sure you will see a lot of books for reference opened around. Just for curiosity, now I have nine books plus printings and notes around me I'm using this week. Plus usually a dozen tabs opened at the internet browser for references I'm looking for. They will be back to the stand but next day I get more up the tables.
A reason we love libraries!
And many scholars don't know all that information by head!
Get this? If you visit a scholar at work most for sure you will see a lot of books for reference opened around. Just for curiosity, now I have nine books plus printings and notes around me I'm using this week. Plus usually a dozen tabs opened at the internet browser for references I'm looking for. They will be back to the stand but next day I get more up the tables.
A reason we love libraries!
So well, why I became a writer?
For sure not because I know everything by head!
I use to say I become a writer because I don't like to remember too much things, no matter the expertise I may develop on it.
And why? Just because I know where I can find the information I need.
I may write about computer development work, a fantastic fiction tale or something about the occult or my experiences on human development.
What I really need is to know what to do. Dot.
Despite some capability to write since early age, my first formal article came to public only in 1986.
It was a ten pages article for for a local Computerworld journal (The DataNews Journal), about advanced software development of online systems (CICS/VS) for IBM mainframes. A high level technology and was ten pages at first. Wow! Guess how I felt! And the publisher did a lot on the Ads... LOL...
But how I started that about writing?
Just doing what I do almost all days since I remember. I always used to read a lot and was saving information and taking notes about my study.
How many people goes to the bathroom with a 300 pages computer manual or an occult book? I was one since the 70s.
And there was a lot of big books to study. Not only one, but usually a dozen each with 300-400 pages to read just for one area. And the need for practices few have did.
Any coincidence with occult area? Just to cite as you become better at some area, this will help to the others areas too. Need discipline and practice.
Computers to me always was related with the occult. And no mysticims about. Just is something you need to go deep and try a lot, have errors and learn from that.
Both areas goes deep into realms with a wide knowledge to explore.
And you can use your imagination to develop a personal method to work.
For sure I have a lot of processed information in my brain, but I have no memory about working only by head in life, but always working with all much I was using at time plus the need for references.
Just doing what I do almost all days since I remember. I always used to read a lot and was saving information and taking notes about my study.
How many people goes to the bathroom with a 300 pages computer manual or an occult book? I was one since the 70s.
And there was a lot of big books to study. Not only one, but usually a dozen each with 300-400 pages to read just for one area. And the need for practices few have did.
Any coincidence with occult area? Just to cite as you become better at some area, this will help to the others areas too. Need discipline and practice.
Computers to me always was related with the occult. And no mysticims about. Just is something you need to go deep and try a lot, have errors and learn from that.
Both areas goes deep into realms with a wide knowledge to explore.
And you can use your imagination to develop a personal method to work.
For sure I have a lot of processed information in my brain, but I have no memory about working only by head in life, but always working with all much I was using at time plus the need for references.
And may be you do not know, astronauts who went to the moon had manuals to use all the time. They was real heros!
I remember to see photos of the Nasa people, all the team, doing trainings seated at the floor, not nice rooms, they was on extreme pressure and have to get the information as soon as possible, and put it in practice.
Just to remember, most of photos you will find about that missions had most seniors professionals, working hard, not only fashion teens as we see at many company profiles.
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Apollo astronauts learning to survive in the depths of the Panamanian jungle. Source: psyched4sport |
Learning about the jungle is very related with many practical aspects of business. Are you able to continue despite the worst troubles?
So I found at some time, I had so many information collected to become an article and started to publish. This is how it started. Collecting notes. And I never stopped.
The result from that article was interesting. I received a lot of letters from all major companies in my country while my boss (who had a copy of the journal in his desk) tryed to ignore it because he knew my salary was not so good... (LOL...) and used to recognized me after being called due costumers... I was a big reference in the market that time....
Funny but true.
Ok, I was not after his aproval. The first is my own. And a hundreds of good ones had returned too.
Funny but true.
Ok, I was not after his aproval. The first is my own. And a hundreds of good ones had returned too.
This have happened to my softtware professional area and at the occult areas.
Remember, I use to say I see my work very related to all these areas. Human kind evolution and computers.
Sometime we will have a development level very advanced. Many are just Sci-fi for now.
Remember, I use to say I see my work very related to all these areas. Human kind evolution and computers.
Sometime we will have a development level very advanced. Many are just Sci-fi for now.
I'm not against yours approval of this or that.
A main point if you have a work you know to be true and work for it.
Not all people will agree with you.
And many will question what you are doing in all possible ways.
And the first way I point all times is: I'm not a scholar! I'm a practictioner!
What your company pay atention for? To know or just only know the current fashion tool?
To just obbey orders or have oppinions to create and make your company grown?
There's not much difference using tools from centuries or the internet fashion tools.
You must to know what to look for!
What your company pay atention for? To know or just only know the current fashion tool?
To just obbey orders or have oppinions to create and make your company grown?
There's not much difference using tools from centuries or the internet fashion tools.
You must to know what to look for!
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Juan Manuel Fangio
Sorry people, I won't appears in a chat and be ready to talk by mind an entire text from an old grimoire or whatever on technology.
Nor I will be able many times to present by head a work about a computer software among dozens I've worked. But I can talk by myself at any time and if I have few hours to get into something new or not it may surprise you.
I work to learn and develop about how to do it at my areas!
I love Juan Manuel Fangio as a big example.
This guy had not automatic machines. He driven F1 cars in brute. No computers. No fantastic machines. Just a man and the tool he chose.
This guy for life, until dead, received each week visitors, the best pilots of the world, and guess for what? Just because he was knew as being a Master in his work. The most famous pilots came into him to learn and give respect. In practice, he worked his entire life.
I will repeat this to so company leaders: Juan Manuel Fangio was visited until his dead by people who came to learn with him how to drive. They never was against the tools.
If you pay atention for the tools only, you are ready to become a looser.
Like a company where they only goes after costs. They will broke soon for sure.
Creativity, being produtive is the first.
Never, but never about having some information by head.
You must to know how to use it..
Any good pilot will be ready to learn and drive a machine. Get this company managers? A decent professional must know what to do. The tool is only the way we may use.
So I will be able to comment at instant about how things work.
If I need a phormula, I know where to get it.
At internet times we have lots of sources. One must be able to filter all bulshit, find the best forums, and for sure, look for the best authors and books.
At internet times we have lots of sources. One must be able to filter all bulshit, find the best forums, and for sure, look for the best authors and books.
When it is some tool I have not worked, I will be ready to recognize what I need to follow on that.
This is Learning.
I don't pay a f*ck if someone only know the current computer software tool. This is not so different from dozens I had used in deep for years.
Remember when Nokia had to admit they lose their creativity near to broke? Hummm?? I had an article in 2009 about intrusions on people life many years before that is a critical reason to loose profesionals. A senior manager commented in public article to prefer hiring a criminal instead a smoker so I had to comment about some human and company aspects. Real talents have a real life. But if your company chose a raper, a murder or any other criminal because dislike someone personal interest, well, pay the price and I really wish that won't affect your family. Or better, remember you have a family.
And going into the occult, want to learn another Grimoire area? What you need to follow? The Great Art is also named The work of God. This means standarts to follow, discipline, brain work, not became a saint, Ok?
Why real good creative people does not want to work at your company?
I suggest you to read this fantastic Aaron Shapiro's article, and it is very up to date to any area where talent is needed: Why Digital Talent Doesn’t Want To Work At Your Company.
Remember when Nokia had to admit they lose their creativity near to broke? Hummm?? I had an article in 2009 about intrusions on people life many years before that is a critical reason to loose profesionals. A senior manager commented in public article to prefer hiring a criminal instead a smoker so I had to comment about some human and company aspects. Real talents have a real life. But if your company chose a raper, a murder or any other criminal because dislike someone personal interest, well, pay the price and I really wish that won't affect your family. Or better, remember you have a family.
And going into the occult, want to learn another Grimoire area? What you need to follow? The Great Art is also named The work of God. This means standarts to follow, discipline, brain work, not became a saint, Ok?
Why real good creative people does not want to work at your company?
I suggest you to read this fantastic Aaron Shapiro's article, and it is very up to date to any area where talent is needed: Why Digital Talent Doesn’t Want To Work At Your Company.
And if this is about occult, there are a lot to do, and I will follow that for the needed time.
Memory is good to immediate needs, like the ceremonial rituals you are working for many time.
But just to know phrases by head never, but never is the same as to know how to deal with that.
I'm always far aways from the ultimate goal,
But I'm always sure about what I want to do and with some decent idea about how it can be done and most of all, be ready to discover a new way for that!
Want to grow your business? Grow your mind!
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