Let's start with some blood rituals Photo:Christine Jorja Dougan |
No need of blood, just good.
Thanks to Christine Jorja Dougan for the joke. :D I always repeat I like to use humor because in my point of view God have a lot of fun. Yes, I talk a lot of bullshit, but is not common BS. It’s a buddhic bullshit! And I wish this help to fix what I comment too.
In all the world magicians study and some of them, after learning how the original works, develops the ancient practices to new levels, keeping the important aspects and knowledge as they goes discovering how to improve it.
Just for this example, Aaron Leitch explain using alternatives for blood that works very well and even better. And when just not to use it at all.
In practice, what I have observed at the high magician circles, blood is no needed most of times.This is evolution of magic practices due centuries of hard work.
Some others works to cite a few:
Brother Moloch fantastic work on ancestors is a major primary reference to the future decades and it will be the source for lots of new works to develop. That is for sure a fantastic resource to explore to have a solid background for your magical working. He bring us with the full text here: Ancestors & Offerings. Highly recommended.
Rufus Opus show how your living area and all nature is full of energy to work with.
Nick Farrell remember civilization magic in a great point of view.
Chic and Tabatha Cicero with a long ritual commented to a level to think and develop all aspects of your life.
Among others, great stuff!
Yes, we joke about human blood sacrifice just because it is at most horror tales. It’s magicians joke! Yes, be serious, but do not take you so serious!
Moreover, newbies lusting for instant results try it in all stupid ways you can think. It is sad to see this happening too often. Blood is life, but life and magic is wide. Extend it! Sorry, wanna to become a skilled musician? That takes time, resources and practice, a lot of all that. Magic is not a Harry Potter or Narnia fantasy story, nor vampirism is like Crepuscule movie (that is a movie about fairies… but nice. LOL…).
Ritual Offerings is the deep work of 12 formal magicians about how empower your rituals, having a better relation with the spirits and ancestors, and to understand better the "how it works" in many of most know magic areas. No need to overfeed, but just how to improve for a mutual respectful relation. It is a material presented in an unprecedented way.
Respect is the first for a good magic work, for both sides, you and the spirits.
While all the authors present the best on their areas, including some at ATR, my text is different. It's about the risks and infuences of mixing any magic practices with the ATR (African Tradicional Religion systems). Well, it’s sad, but is my experience as this is something I had a lot of practice: knowing the very bad, darkest and corrupt side.
In practice, such mixings also appears at many magical areas, so many ideas I present are related to other practices to make it a wide work.
Do not take me wrong please. ATR is something wide and fantastic. I wrote about things really few priests will comment on public and even in private. In no ways my text is an attack to ATR. I repeat, it's a fantastic area when you find the good ones working on it. This is a tradition based on mouth to mouth, but as I wrote in the book, also each priest have a personal approach, no matter the line. So there are additions, subtratitions and distortions. I just was caught due my curiosity and zero knowledge into a bad side and had to learn until I had the oportunity to let it and come back to the areas I really like and worked all my life prior and after this.This was more than a decade and I even became a Babalorixa (also know as "father of saint", a formal priest) during the process.
Therefore, the chapter goes on the serious problems such mixings can result, even for a life. I don’t explain for sure the black magic done with that, just it become suggested, as I don’t want to teach it, but give information to you think before become a target, so have ideas about how protect yourself.
That mixings start unaware because it is easy to find recipes at any place, blogs, forums, popular magazines, but what is the real source? Uhm? Many spells we found around was a copy from some ATR source, mixed with something to have a nice look. Most people even know what they copy to promote their selves. And voilá! You become self-cursed!
I did it too, even after two decades of magic works! Trust me, magic world is really wide. That time I knew nothing about ATR, I was an easy victim of the dark side..
The next are the opportunist spirits, the corrupt priestess and charlatans. The real food in their offering is just you and your life. Moreover, no!, this is not evangelic/religion rant, as some of them do the same. I am a reverend too, and then I can talk some.
Now, for sake of information, there are valid blood sacrifices on many traditions, start at your Holly book. Just to resume, usually they are the same that go for feed the group members, but done with with prayers. This is a matter for many articles, but not on the scope we went to this book.
I've seen (and yes, sadly participated) corrupt priests pretending to sacrifice. Just mimic. That was just a stupid “show” of arrogance, like the fake cards readings. But in fact they only killed animals (including puppies) with extreme cruelty to charge the price of ritual, and then throw the bodies in the trash. Thus, also put there on purpose the names of their clients (and anyone around) in the trash to cause troubles and this way, force them to do more paid offerings. Then they say the source of all that guilt is because the "enemies." This is in real, because corrupt priests and corrupt spirits feed on the harm they do. The same spirits you may find easy on an easy spell. The kind, make an offering and be charged hard often. I saw that too much.
It is easy to lose the good aspects of such ancient practices and be caught into traps in many ways. And if you do not know about that area, ask for the most sources you can. I had a long time on that, and I got fucked a lot too, sadly even good friends was harmed, so I wrote about ATRs and mixes, but be sure, I wrote about aspects you will find in many areas, Magic, WMT, Newagers, Wiccans, Vegans and Bahá'í (yes, they too!!!), Buddhists, Evangelics, Tao, anywhere. I means, any area where you can find corrupt spirits or just find some hot ones who will dislike what you do.
Respect. Mutual respect. Observe this and you will save and learn a lot.
"No true spiritual ally, like a true friend in the land of the living, should treat you as a pet. Either they serve you or you're equals.” ~ Gordon Finn
Thanks Christine for the lip gloss in arm photo!
This unique book is a limited edition, available worldwide at Nephilimpress.com

Geishas were not prostitutes, they were ladies.
I learned this from an ex-GF who is studious of the history of art. Uhm, wowwww... This is a good offering...
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I learned this from an ex-GF who is studious of the history of art. Uhm, wowwww... This is a good offering...
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Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text
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